Alessandra Ambrosio Sexy (7 New Photos)

Here are the photos of Alessandra Ambrosio from Madrid, Spain – Instagram, 11/03/2017. Alessandra Ambrosio is a Brazilian fashion model and actress (Verdades Secretas, TV). Age – 36.




13 thoughts on “Alessandra Ambrosio Sexy (7 New Photos)

  1. Harry Boughner

    Just look at the first picture and LOOK AT THOSE FEET and that FACE! But, I’ll break it down here. “She” has:
    -Man feet!
    -Man hands!
    -Huge tranny skull.
    -Broad man shoulders.
    -Narrow man hips.
    -Square man jaw.
    -“Can-opener” chin.
    -Long, straight man torso (not hourglass shaped AT ALL).
    -Male torso with belly button ABOVE the hip line.
    -Acute male Q-angle (angle from center of knees to hip joint).
    With these 10 male traits…it’s next to impossible for Alessandra Ambrosia to be a REAL female. She would have to be 1 female out of a over 50 QUADRILLION females. You are THREE TIMES MORE LIKELY to win the lottery TWICE IN A ROW…than run into the odds of finding a female with 10 male character traits.
    To put it into perspective.
    A female with ONE male character trait is 1 out of 50.
    A female with TWO male character traits is 1 out of 2,500.
    A female with THREE male character traits is 1 out of 125,000.
    A female with FOUR male character traits is 1 out of 6,250,000.
    A female with FIVE male character traits is 1 out of 312,500,000.
    And so on…and so on.

    1. Mediocrates

      Harry, it’s a FACT that most supermodels, or those deemed gorgeous, have a LOT of male traits. Mainly deep set eyes, the jawline, and a strong personality. I don’t give a shit, because they’re female, and if you have doubts, that’s on you. Seems you’re stuck on male traits, so maybe this isn’t the site for you.

      1. Harry Boughner

        Mediocrates – Sure, the deep set eyes, the jawline are MALE traits. However, the strong personality just comes from being around people admiring them the whole time; it’s not necessarily a male trait. However, females having ONE, TWO or even THREE male character traits is pretty common. However, it’s EXTREMELY uncommon for a woman to have FOUR, FIVE or even SIX male character traits. It’s NEXT TO IMPOSSIBLE for a woman to have TEN MALE CHARACTER TRAITS!!!
        You’re stuck THINKING this person was born a female. However, “she” was in fact born a male. Like I keep saying, “THE HIPS DON’T LIE!”
        If they’re hips are thin and narrow = MALE!
        If shoulders are wider than the hips = MALE!
        You seem to be stuck in love with these trannies. Open your eyes and learn a little about human anatomy.

    2. Harvey

      tell that to her kid, you jackass, all woman and no doubt about it, but then you’ve never seen a real live naked woman up close have you, moron?

      1. Harry Boughner

        HARVEY – LOL! Yeah, “she” may have kids…in fact “she” may have FATHERED some of them. Because there’s no way a baby skull would squeeze through thin and narrow hips like “hers.” So, maybe “she” had a C-section, then? Then, where’s the scar? So…”she” can’t have kids which means “she” most likely adopted them to make people THINK “she” had kids so they further believe “her” to be a REAL female.
        You need to open your eyes. It’s almost impossible for a woman to have THAT many male characteristics (1 on over 95 QUADRILLION). You can tell male from female just by looking at the hips ALONE. The shoulders should be the second place you look.
        Don’t be fooled. Don’t be an idiot.

          1. Harry Boughner

            Whatever you say, pal. You’re entitled to your opinions; however, the facts don’t lie! You’re jerking off to a tranny and you don’t even know it. LOL!

  2. davidhasslefrau


    I think he meant a the photos were shot in Madrid, not where she was born as he does later say she’s a Brazilian fashion model.


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