15 thoughts on “Amber Heard Sexy (9 Photos)

    1. Professor Wank

      And I should know, I’ve been Johns’s empty wallet more times then I care to remember. Sure, he has body odor, but who doesn’t. I stink like shit cause I can’t reach my ass to wipe cuz I have short little arms that can’t get around my obese body. No matter, I put the flame in flaming homo and always keep a little remnant of taco Tuesday just for the occasion. Grrr….wanking my tiny little wiener….wiener spitzel….activate!!!!

      Attention whore, feel free to post your standard drivel. Still won’t care or read it but enjoy.

      1. Professor Wank

        I bet if Amber (wallet grabber) Heard had a pair of floppy ears, a moist pink snout, sexy piggy eyes, a curly tail and a porky body covered in hair you would love to fuck her. Even though she lacks the immense pig testicles you so love to suck on!

      1. Professor Wank

        …and, of course, I mean the cum drippings falling from my rear end wallet aka my fat ass…..grrr….wanking….oops…premature dribbling…..more time saved for posting!!!!

        1. nil points

          The Professor Wank Patented Auto-Scorer marks – Professor Wank 482 points – Pseudo-Professor Wank -10 (anally entering a pig during contest) – The winner is Professor Wank !

  1. Sam

    She has a lot of scarlet letters in Farsi , English and other languages.
    After having a look at those scarlet letters, Even the toppest ZZ Top who is the Illest one sang :
    I do no what to do
    I do no what’d to say
    No more
    F me off

    1. ^Spam^

      Dude, WTF are u on about.
      Jerking off 10 times a day has taken all the fluid out your brain.
      Either that or your parents are cousins.

    2. Sammy

      Ps . It about de past. No word about the future . No answer.
      Pss. Nostalgia dances in my f mind like a big NO.
      De past wasn’t so kind .
      De past wasn’t so kind.


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