Check out this nude&sexy photo and video collection of Anllela Sagra. Anllela Sagra is a famous fitness model and trainer from Colombia based in Miami. Born: October 6, 1993.
Anllela went to the gym when she was 18, the reason was like most girls, she considered herself too thin and decided to take care of her body. After some time she participated in the El Clasico Paisa where she took 3rd place among 25 girls, an excellent achievement in the first time. Thanks to the competitions, significant brands began to come into contact with her and started to offer her to advertise their products.
Anllela has over 11 million army of followers on Instagram (3 official pages), thousands of subscribers on YouTube and Snapchat. Gymaholic often appears on magazine covers, creates video content, and sells her own fitness programs.

And she fucked it all up by getting softball implants. What a shame.
I wouldn’t mind letting her dominate me
These two need to make a sex tape
I doubt they can find time t ohave regualr sex let alone a sex tape from working out
What the fuck, is this a new rage? Women on fucking roids? Soon she’ll have a micro dick and beating strangers on the street.
I’ll pass. She worked off her tits. Those tennis balls don’t count.
I’d seriously boil her thong to make tea.
you can stop posting the sexy, just post the nude… and if there’s no nude, don’t post at all.
thank you. bye.
Lots of testosterone right there and not talking about the boyfriend. Or maybe a dormant Y chromosome starting to activate. I’d love to see how big her clit is in about 5 years…yikes.
why is body like man is strong?
You fat ass idiots that don’t workout know nothing about a healthy body vs a steroid body. This girl has never taken drugs to look like that it is completely achievable naturally. You fat asses wouldn’t know because you never seen a gym in your life.