Sorry, I had an epic sugar crash in the basement and was semi-comatose till my moms came back from the welfare office. Thank god she brought me the twinkies and ho hos. Man, love doing those twinks. If I didn’t know better, I’d say that first photo captured my tic tacs pretty well. Btw, goddammit, where’s the age and nationality?
Para lamer esa conchita
I couldn’t agree with you more, omi316!
Fuck to the yeah omi316, amen to that!
How can she still be so fat when she goes to the gym everyday?
Ha! So true.
You would expect flies to be buzzing around there.
Soon you will have to roll the little fat fuck in flour to find the wetspot.
She just keeps getting fat.
Doug, where are you???
Sorry, the cops busted me outside my local kindergarten. Again.
Do you need me to come by county lockup and smuggle something to you in my ass?
She’s back! Nothing since 2nd of Feb. i was getting worried.
Actually quite a cute little toe chubs got there but give a few years more on the donuts and that will become a moose knuckle !!
My favourite type of camel … or is it my favourite type of toe … either way those are chunky
Awsome cameltoe!
I found a perfect porcelain replica of her at my local gardening centre.
Sorry, I had an epic sugar crash in the basement and was semi-comatose till my moms came back from the welfare office. Thank god she brought me the twinkies and ho hos. Man, love doing those twinks. If I didn’t know better, I’d say that first photo captured my tic tacs pretty well. Btw, goddammit, where’s the age and nationality?