27 thoughts on “Bai Ling Hot (26 Photos)

  1. wawawee

    Say what you will about this loony attention seeking thot but damn for 50 her body is on point. Those asian genes. No wonder more and more men are opting out of dating these white western women. Asians not only age well, but are skinny AND know their place. Win, win win.

    1. Latin Lover

      They do age well but once they hit a certain age they turn into raisins. No one looks older than an old Asian woman. White guys like them because Asian girls like dorky nerds and white trash who normally could only get a fat white girl. Their self hate drives them to seek half white babies even if its with white trash and fat white nerds who spend all day trolling message boards.

        1. Latin Lover

          Yeah we know you love fucking scrawny ladyboys at 5 bucks a pop. Just another loser white nerd jerking to anime and learning Chinese at your local community college between hooker visits. Don’t forget to pack your suitcase full of extra small condoms for your next trip to the Orient!

    2. Latin Lover

      Oh yeah, Marisa Tomei, Salma Hayek and Halle Berry are also 52 and all of them put this tacky bar girl to shame – so their goes your dipshit race theory. Might want to get that yellow fever checked out…

      1. Dong-hold Rump

        Ameri-mutts are never attractive to begin with though, they always look like they’re in their 40s. It’s like showing someone a rusty old car and crowing about how it is as good as a nearly new one because the mileage is a bit lower than average, it’s still a rust bucket.

    1. SeaTac Psycho Pilot

      According to IMDB, this broad actually has 11 — eleven! — credits for 2018.

      No idea if they are pornos …


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