Check it out new sexy photos of Bakhar Nabieva from Instagram (July-September 2017). Bakhar Nabieva is a Azerbaijani-Ukranian fitness model & Instagram star. Age: 23.
50 thoughts on “Bakhar Nabieva Sexy (25 Photos)”
Not A Freak
This is regarded as sexy these days? I’ll pass. What a fucking freakshow.
Crapper you post shes an instagram star and 144p res pics are the best on the net? I dont mind missing out on these pics but what i really felt crap about are the bendover shots.
Her thighs are a bit much, but if you’ve ever fucked a buff whore you’ll know that their cunts are incredible. What they’re able to do with their pussies is no joke.
Calves are directly in proportion to your biceps. Thats a law. Only person in pro bodybuilding whose calves were bigger than his biceps was dexter jackson.
Say what you will, but I find the she-male hot hot hot. She can strap one on, or untuck, and pound the shit outta my ass…literally pound that shit outta my ass.
Her thighs are like my waist. If I were to eat her out and either piss her off OR make her cum and if by doing that her legs tightened up around my neck she’d literally pop it off like a tube of toothpaste with the cap.
I bet her snatch is tight AF though. That’s A LOT of lower body training. You know damn well she does kegels all day. Totally has that barball thing up her cootch.
This is regarded as sexy these days? I’ll pass. What a fucking freakshow.
OMG!!!!!!!! in what universe is this considerd beautiful or even sexy?????? This is so ugly. Yuk
From dudes that are gay or are big pussies that like to get slapped around I guess.
in what world?
Death by snoo snoo
But you’re better than normal, you’re abnormal.
Wrong… Just wrong on so many levels. Ugh!
Where is she hiding her cock ?
Up your arse! Cock, ball, fist… all.
Please skip leg day.
Now you’re just trolling us.
If her legs were 1/3 of the size, she’d be perfect. But she’s gone full freak mode and looks absurd and unattractive. Ugh.
my definition of sexy is different from the one on this site.
kill it with fire
Crapper you post shes an instagram star and 144p res pics are the best on the net? I dont mind missing out on these pics but what i really felt crap about are the bendover shots.
I would have her get on her hind legs just to remind me of the great dog I lost to heart failure last year.
Her thighs are a bit much, but if you’ve ever fucked a buff whore you’ll know that their cunts are incredible. What they’re able to do with their pussies is no joke.
She’s perfect!!!!
LOL “sexy” get off that site poster !
E Calves way too small for those quads.
Calves are directly in proportion to your biceps. Thats a law. Only person in pro bodybuilding whose calves were bigger than his biceps was dexter jackson.
This is fucking gross.
What the fuck man someone owes me another lunch.
Haha what a freak- those legs are sooo ugly.
Say what you will, but I find the she-male hot hot hot. She can strap one on, or untuck, and pound the shit outta my ass…literally pound that shit outta my ass.
I think I threw up in my mouth 🙁
Im definitely sure she could render me sterile if she ever kicked me in the nuts
Each to their own, but that shit ain’t sexy to me at all. Fuckin’ Sasquatch.
and you call this sexy!? ffs… fkn nasty
She is beautiful and hot but I think she should work out her arms less and much more the butt. She needs a brazilian ass!!!
Her thighs are like my waist. If I were to eat her out and either piss her off OR make her cum and if by doing that her legs tightened up around my neck she’d literally pop it off like a tube of toothpaste with the cap.
I bet her snatch is tight AF though. That’s A LOT of lower body training. You know damn well she does kegels all day. Totally has that barball thing up her cootch.
LOL at her doing the whole thigh gap pose. But instead of a hot gap her muscles are squished together. Gross. I’d still hit it though.
I bet her clits huge as well due to the massive ammounts of steroids she must be taking.Technically she/he’s probably not a woman anymore,lol
Muscle girls are just gross…total turn off…geez…somebody cover her with a burka ! quick !
This is called “Body Dismorphic Disorder”.
She see herself beautiful! Instead is a disgusting freak IMHO.
I hope she will go to a psychologist soon.
nasty fucking Arab isis hermaphrodite
get the fuck out of here, and stop fucking injecting your clit with testosterone you ugly fuck
She can break my dick anyday.
hahahahahaha so gross. i think the admin posts these for our enjoyment cuz this shits hilarious
What a monster.
Should have skipped leg day!
She looks like my dad
You know she got #’s like
#LegalizeSteroids #ILikeDailyInjections
#Steroids4Life #NaturalLftinIz4Suckrz
I thought the last pic looks like a male bodybuilder in a dress. It’s not as impressive since her steroid use is obvious.
She gots dat clit da siza dat football. I gots to get me onz. I’ll get a fupa on dis bitch.
I will punish her with my bloblo for looking like that.
Brings new meaning to the term “thunder thighs”.