Bella Hadid Sexy (82 Photos + Video)

Model Bella Hadid shows off her tits and ass at the 2017 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show in Shanghai, 11/20/2017.


37 thoughts on “Bella Hadid Sexy (82 Photos + Video)

    1. Arnold

      What a dumb man could say it. What about if you better smash yours instead, would you still be happy?
      I guess no, and that’s why you gotta grow up understand that respect for a girl is on base of what makes difference between a child and a grow man. You could understand it one day.

        1. Arnold

          What is normal children think is strange. You made me laugh with queer, maybe you should check much clearer the definition of this word. And maybe you gotta realize what I’m told to another younger is just the true the way this is, you gona understand it one day.

      1. Arnold is a fucking cunt loser

        He’s right! Are you mentally challenged? Get a grip you fucking 12yo white knight! She deserves a real fucking beating! Stop posting if you can’t get with the program or I will fuck you up!!! Give me your adress!

        1. Arnold

          The real loser is you tried to reply a grow man who actually could be your daddy, although I’m happy I’m not, because I would have taught you what respect is. You make make laugh child, who the fuck do you think you are to say what a girl deserves or not? Do you think is a child ”cool” program to disrespect a girl? Grow up, nowadays society and girls become so tired of frustrated persons as you. And what you said about an adress? I guess your mom knew it, although I respect her that she has a job, not as you wasting the time on a cheap and no sense website spread lies and blame women. Don’t worry I know you realize that each word I said is the truth. And maybe you could grow up one day.

        2. Dwayne

          the child who reply Arnold Besides the frustration that you have cause of girls realize your wrong, how could you blame Arnold? And how can you blame a man that doesn’t have any idea who is? Damn, you were the real dumb by nature tried to reply him. And he was just right child, respecting a girl is as you respect yourself, a girl makes a man be a man. You better grow up one day.

    1. wawawee

      Her daddy most likely slung some money around so her daughter could be a ‘model.’ That’s better under occupation than ‘daddy’s lil girl’

    2. forza1

      Fat and flat is every arab girl ass. They have to have an arab model on the show so they can sell their shit on allahu akbar shit countries.

  1. Dwayne

    Damn it, better look at yourself children before spread lies and blame a model. A bunch of kids waste the time as here on such a website that actually need to be shutdown. One thing is sure, better be an example for children nowadays, instead of sit and waste time with them on web, you gotta wake up, generation of nowadays

    1. Dwayne

      Oh, it made me laugh, it comes out from another child that doesn’t have a damn idea what to do with his time, please stay in your bench and better read something before open your moth to blame somebody not having any idea. And I could talk in any dialect I wish, and you still can’t get close to an old man knowing you were just wrong, tried to give a reply. Excuse me, you gonna understand it one day.

  2. Dwayne

    Whatever any people could say she is a humble, beautiful model, and smart woman. And by the way my last post on this non sense website, that I get by adds, and dear admin, you could get a better orientation for money than this website, not showing children magazine nude, if they want they could buy magazine papers and you could also think to improve the next generation, that may be a benefit positive on nowadays. Have a nice day.

  3. Rodney

    Wow, bunch of angry men, sorry, children. They’re tits, grow the fuck up. And I’d love to be behind her smashing her ass flipping y’all the bird.


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