Bella Thorne Sexy (13 New Photos)

New sexy photos of Bella Thorne – on the set of “You Get Me” in Los Angeles, 04/18/16. Perfect tits and butt! Bella Thorne is an American actress, singer, and model. Age: 18 (October 8, 1997).


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15 thoughts on “Bella Thorne Sexy (13 New Photos)

  1. Turlough

    I know some people, with an almost Tourette’s-like persistence, will be shouting ‘fake’ in a loud voice, but even if she has had some work done (and I see no reason why an eighteen year old girl might not just have a fantastic body, naturally) she looks amazing. She’s just perfect, body-wise.

    1. gumbosoup

      Her tits are obviously fake and not even a very good job considering how much money she has. She went from completely flat to full C cups overnight. So, it’s okay to have fake tits and she can still be considered perfect, I guess. That’s like saying “I cheated on my SAT’s, but I got a perfect score so it’s okay.”

      1. haha

        The thing is gumbo, even if they are, as you say “obviously fake and not even a good job”, what difference does it make? Are you ever going to experience them first hand? No. Does it make you somehow feel better pointing it out? If so, im sorry for your (and all the other dipshits on here) pitiful existence. Who cares if they’re fake. There’s no denying that in hollywood it will only help her career assuming if she did get them done to begin with. Maybe she had them done because she wanted bigger breasts, maybe it was a self esteem thing who knows.

        Regardless, if you were offered a chance to play with them then you would take it without thinking twice. If you say you wouldn’t you’re flat out lying lol.

      2. Turlough

        I’m well aware that some people have a real downer on fake tits. Personally, it doesn’t bother me in the slightest, but we can agree to disagree. Either way, she looks fantastic.

        Now, as to whether she’s had work done? Possibly, but she’s eighteen. Eighteen year old girls can suddenly have a growth ‘spurt’. Tits can grow quite quickly, entirely naturally. Maybe that’s what happened to her. Maybe not. I don’t know and neither do you. But I do find this self-assured certainty many people have, when they can just tell by looking at a picture whether some woman’s had her breasts enlarged, pretty tedious.

      3. smh

        Pretty awkward when you say real breast are “obviously fake”. If you think she went from flat to a C overnight you clearly just haven’t been paying attention, they slowly got bigger and bigger over the past two years. Unless she got 7 different implants during that time, they’re real.

        Watch her scene in Scream, those are very obviously real, and that is well after people started saying she got implants.

        1. joe

          Bro, she had breast implants at 17. She announced it herself when she had it done, it isn’t a secret. Personally I have never been a fan of fake tits but my view on them has softened as I have gotten older. Now I am just fine with them as long as they are well done. As long as a girl doesn’t go up too many cup sizes and doesn’t get them on the cheap now a days fake tits can looks just as good as the real thing. Bella’s tits look great, at least in clothes. Considering how flat she was before the surgery though I suspect she might have gone too big and they might look fake if she ever takes that top off.

          1. smh

            And this would be what is wrong with the internet. She never said that, because it didn’t happen. In fact, she said the exact opposite. She has repeatedly said they are real.

          2. whome

            she eats like a ton of crazy foods on snapchat n shit. maybe shes just gaining in the right places! either way who cares, doesn’t effect me any.

  2. Endgame

    Gotta laugh at the fools that jump to the conclusion an 18 year girl has obviously fake tits.
    Yep, not even finished growing and the first thing she’s going to do is run out and buy fake tits because? She’s not a porn star fool.

    1. SomeDude

      No, she’s an actress in modern society. And this is the type of thing they do, some are just better at hiding it. I don’t agree with but at all, but it happens.

  3. Fap Master G

    Fake tits did wonders for Megan Fox so why should Bella Thorne be any different.
    We’ll see them soon enough.


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