Young Bella Thorne showed her fake boobs, wearing candid shirts and underwear – Instagram, Snapchat (April 2018). the 20-year-old actress advertised her beautiful body and her new clothing collection. The best advertising is The Fappening. Come on, Bella!
The heroin is starting to affect her …
Yay no makeup
What to say than she’s a lovely baby 🙂
you some creepy fuck
A sweetheart baby
What such a lovely smile and cute baby.
She’s used up and it shows.
She’s going to hit the wall before 25. Sad
Another inexperienced said a nonsense … Obviously you don’t know nothing about her and women and don’t worry you gonna learn anyway good day.
And that’s an inexperienced teenager opinions… Of course you doesn’t know anything about her or other women and what you should do is get to the school and learn some education have a good day.
Man she is nappy when she’s not wearing make up.
She looks like a drug addict, a new Lindsay Lohan on the making.
You all talk so much shit behind a computer, but if she wanted to fuck anyone of yals worthless virgin asses you all would drop your pants instantly and fuck her for the few seconds yal would last. You fucking idiots are pathetic .
At this girl comments were a little bit more polite than usually, so wonder why should you start coming about somethings that nobody asked you, stick at your own business instead to think at others okay.
Once again another virgins shows himself to the world. It is sad that you can;t even COMPREHEND turning down a woman since you know you will never get another chance.
trust me..NO ONE in the entire planet would rather have your life than theirs. Literally 7 and a half BILLION people would kill themselves the second they realized that they were stuck in your life. Just as you have contemplated every day since you turned 15.
If you ever got out of your mommy’s basement, worthless little welfare boy, you would see DOZENS of women at least as attractive as her. And if you actually had any personality (which you don’t) and TALKED to them, you could actual get to know those girls. Of course, for that to happen, you can’t cum in your pants the first time one says once word to you. So you have a problem
And once again another seeking attention child who’s trying to type a comment trying to cover the simple fact that your statements might be the problems of yours as you said If you ever got out of your mommy’s basement see DOZENS of women at least as attractive as her good but then why you browse around this worthless website and my first comment was meant to make them understand if you don’t like a girl then don’t type a comment it’s simple anyway dare you good days.
Lmao. Not everyone finds people attractive just because they are a celebrity. She’s not very good looking at all without being caked with makeup. Which in itself is a turn off. Fake tits turn me off too. So does looking like a dirty hippie that abuses drugs daily. She looks beat. There’s a million 40 year old women out there that don’t look as beat as her in her early 20’s. And if there’s anything I’ve learned it’s the people who talk about other people not getting laid are usually the ones not getting laid. Or banging ugly chicks just to say they got laid. Nobody cares.
I wonder if Nic Cage would ever have a chance at that.
She’s doesn’t seem too picky
“lovely smile” “cute baby” “Beautiful” ….. Really!!???
Ugly as hell
How does this girl find the time to earn a living?
Is this your business? Definitely no, stick to your own business instead of think what do others okay.
i bet there are 2953 new species of mold and fungus scientists could collect off her vagoo
Whatever they say she’s a beauty.
Lmao. Not everyone finds people attractive just because they are a celebrity. She’s not very good looking at all without being caked with makeup. Which in itself is a turn off. Fake tits turn me off too. So does looking like a dirty hippie that abuses drugs daily. She looks beat. There’s a million 40 year old women out there that don’t look as beat as her in her early 20’s. And if there’s anything I’ve learned it’s the people who talk about other people not getting laid are usually the ones not getting laid. Or banging ugly chicks just to say they got laid. Nobody cares.
Whatever any of you could say she’s a baby.
Whatever you gonna say she is a babe