20 thoughts on “Blanca Blanco Sexy (43 Photos)

  1. nacho

    Goose woman? Or Whore of Babylon?

    Prob whore of Babylon. Seems to like flaunting the murderous exploitative colors of the Slave land (America: built on genocide of the natives and slave labor of the blacks)

      1. nacho

        ACtually whites are good obedient slaves, that’s why most employees are white and most other races are in prison

        Oh & Whites are being outbred as we speak. in the future all people will be brownish

  2. Shazbot

    She lives in a trailer parked at the pier — like Rockford, without the bitchin’ Firebird — doesn’t she?

  3. trump isanidiot

    Alright. Alright. Enough of this broad. Who T F is she? Never heard of her. She’s a 6 1/2 on a 10 scale. Is this the best you can do? Seriously…………..Find some good looking woman. Most of these women are OK but nothing special at all. Good lord.

    1. Hallywally

      I’d still have a crack she ain’t bad at all good body I reckon she would go alright in the sack

      1. nacho

        She used to be in the sack, just like you, some random little semen swimming around in daddy’s ballzack

  4. AJ

    Somebody needs to get this ugly ass bitch off the beach. Where is David Hasselhoff when you need him?

  5. Ren

    Nine out of 10 comments on posts of this woman are incredibly negative. I personally think she’s cute, I like her long curly hair, and her nice big butt looks really comfy. In a word: “Latina.” (Not that I have any ethnic preference, however.) And she looks like she’s probably good company. And NO TATTOOS! And NO FAKE BOOBS!

    1. Dr Evil

      Exactly. These idiots are textbook chronic masturbaters. If a woman doesn’t look like a typical Playboy plastic fembot, they cant jerk off to her. There’s no hope for them, so just enjoy the pics.

      1. AJ

        Hey asshole, it’s not that she’s not fuckable. She sure is. The point is that she posts the SAME kind of pics every fucking time, dickheads. Doesn’t make those who comment faggots, you faggots.

  6. inquiringmind

    What does this woman actually do? Other than wander along the beach every day in the latest of her seemingly endless supply of swimwear……

  7. Not a fan

    Stop posting this stupid bitch. Her sets are all the same, her prancing around on the beach in yet another bikini.


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