Gross looking amount of plastic surgery, lip & face injections on these prostitutes. None of these sluts are celebs an shouldn’t be posted. Porn stars aren’t celebs they’re whores. Any guy who goes to a strip club to toss $100’s or 1000’s an doesn’t get to fuck the girl is a moron. If you’re gonna do that just burn it yourself or hire an escort you can actually fuck.
Looks like an even uglier Tori Spelling.
Is that possible?
who is the red head girl
I also want to know !!! If someone knows the name, write, and do not waste time with other nonsense!
Tasty selection of tits. fuck that any fuckin time
Gross looking amount of plastic surgery, lip & face injections on these prostitutes. None of these sluts are celebs an shouldn’t be posted. Porn stars aren’t celebs they’re whores. Any guy who goes to a strip club to toss $100’s or 1000’s an doesn’t get to fuck the girl is a moron. If you’re gonna do that just burn it yourself or hire an escort you can actually fuck.