21 thoughts on “Brie Larson Nude Leaked Fappening (1 Photo)

    1. wawawee

      The more attention she gets the worse she’ll double down on that stupidity. It’ll hurt box office sales.

      Gal Gadot didn’t pull this shit. Probably because she’s from the middle east and had to serve mandatory military service. So she recognizes those Hollywood skanks are the most privileged group in the world. She even went out of her way to avoid going SJW/feminist mode when Ezra miller tried baiting her into it during an interview.

          1. Jebus

            awww, poor triggered misogynist. You’re just mad that the only women that let you touch them are either inflatable or paid by the act.

            Oh, “cuck” is so last year as an insult btw. Shows your severely low intelligence and how you feel threatened by your betters.

      1. Rabbi Shmuley

        Shut up pussy. Her clit is bigger than your dick. Gail was cast as Wonder Woman because the Jews running Hollywood like to keep their shekels in the family. You’re probably stupid enough to believe it’s only coincidence that she’s Israeli.

    2. Jim

      Why? Does it bother you that much when a woman speaks her mind. If it was a man going on about how macho he thinks he is, would you mind? Stop being so insecure.

      1. WTF

        It’s not about being insecure as a male, because they’re not. It’s about Hollywood being taken over by SJW idiocy and ruining movies and franchises that are demographically male patrons. The reason the comic book industry continues to survive is because it’s mostly males buying them. Don’t fuck with the people who make you money. Marvel tried that SJW bullshit with diversity and inclusion with dumb ass moves such as changing Tony Stark to a black female college student and making Thor a woman. Guess what happened, sales crashed hard and Marvel fired the guy responsible for making the changes. The fans don’t mind women characters, just don’t push an agenda. If you want to make an Iron Man protege that’s a black female college student, that’s perfectly acceptable to do that and give her her own series. Don’t just kill Tony Stark altogether. Kathleen Kennedy is overtly feminist and killed the Star Wars franchise with the feminist bullshit. Guess what happened, they canceled the 3rd part of the trilogy because of the profit loss and poor box office sales. If you give trash to fans, they’ll hit you where it hurts; in your corporate pocket book. That will continue to happen until these idiots get the message. No one is woman bashing, just keep your politics out of the movies and just tell an epic story and entertain people. The NFL is flopping and getting desperate as well because of too much SJW politics in football. Just STFU and play football, none of those multi-millionaires are oppressed or hurting with those 6 and 7 figure paychecks.

        1. Donald Trump's Future Prison Cell

          Look what the fuck you just wrote bitch. We’re not here to read your fuckin novels. Eat shit faggot, take your dipshit diatribes back to Breitbart and converse with the rest of the fags.

        2. Will It Last

          Actually how long are comic book and superhero movies going to last? I know they are the main moneymakers but I think the final nail in the coffin is within five years.

        3. Rob

          Trump supporters get dumber and dumber. You really think Hollywood and the NFL are flopping? Wow! The NFL is still BY FAR the most popular sport in America & it’s not close. Hollywood gross goes up every year, they make more and more every year! U sound just like a typical red neck Trump supporter who is threatened by liberals & try to bash us by calling us SJS, snowflakes or whatever. Just by your few comments here you are totally threatened by women & liberals & it’s hilarious! Don’t u have a clan meeting to get to?


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