Britney Spears Nip Slip (3 Photos + GIF + Video)

Britney Spears shows boobs during her Vegas Show, 02/01/2017. Britney Jean Spears is an American singer, actress, songwriter and X Factor star. Age: 35 (born December 2, 1981).


Britney Spears Nip Slip 1

Britney Spears Nip Slip 2 Britney Spears Nip Slip 3

12 thoughts on “Britney Spears Nip Slip (3 Photos + GIF + Video)

  1. gray89

    She 100% knew that her lil fruit pastels are poking out of her top!
    all for publicity!!
    mind i wouldnt say no to a suck n fuck!! lol

      1. Zippo

        oh so we’re back insulting my dead mother now….then next I’ll be a tranny, or gay so go ahead and break the brain figuring out what witty repartee to prepare… now I’ve heard it all so knock yourself out sonny…..I know maybe you can incorporate all into one huge sadistic insult….you must have been beaten by your mother to spew such hateful filth……

  2. I don’t understand why they bother to wear the microphone. Everybody goes to the show knowing it’s lip sync. It would be better for everyone if they just left the mic off their faces.

  3. CK

    Ms. Spears still looks great today. A nip slip is a nip slip, and a Spears nipple is better than none at all, I guess. I just wish she would do a whole topless photoshoot.

  4. meloveyoulongtime

    Every time I see a picture of Britney it just reminds me how damn long ago it was that she was hot. Long, loooong time.


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