Britney Spears Sexy (33 Photos + Video)

Singer Britney Spears (36) performs at the AXIS at Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas, 12/31/2017.


11 thoughts on “Britney Spears Sexy (33 Photos + Video)

  1. Severin

    If I were given the opportunity, I’d definitely lick her armpits after a show if she didn’t wear deodorant.

  2. John

    One of the benefits that Vegas did the world by giving her a residency was that it kept her out of the recording studio for a few years. Please could another hotel extend her another residency – say for another 45 years?

  3. klawicki

    Can’t they match her skin tone better for that first outfit. It’s Winter. She’s not going to be that tan. Get a lighter shade for the nude illusion outfits

  4. klawicki

    While she looks fine for her age, it may be time to think about moving on to a more mature concert. I think she is beyond her “running around stage in Fredericks of Hollywood outfits” era of her career.


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