Britney Spears posted topless covered LQ photo on Instagram, 02/19/2017. Britney Jean Spears is a singer-songwriter, actress from McComb (Pike County, Mississippi). Age: 35 (December 2, 1981).
…and as soon as my operations are completed…I can say the same about me….looking forward to using the ladies room without fear or shame…besides iits easier to piss sitting down cause my tiny little nub is more like a clit than a dick anyways….
oh I see so now we’re back to me being a preop-trans and lusting after little boys,,,,you’re getting real stale with this shit but because you have to comment after me I Own You child……you wouldn’t k ow what to do and whom to insult if I wasn’t here….
Andreas the cuckinator and exposer of the cuck Zippo
…there’s some stellar logic from Andreas the cuck after I stole his given name and fucked him up the virtual ass….this is like Occam’s razor little cuck…the simplest explanation must be the correct one….I’m here to humiliate you because you’re an attention whore and I’m performing a public service as reply room monitor…..cuck on….feel free to acknowledge your complete and absolute confirmation of your cuckishness with any reply here or elsewhere….
I get that you have never actually SEEN a woman naked, but do you REALLY not know the difference between a professional photoshoot and a paparazzi photo taken at a bad angle?
Is there ever gonna come a day when she’ll keep her arms off her breast and even show them off’ she already come to age now, it’s time for her to show off more’ when will that day ever be.
Britney is a woman now….
…and as soon as my operations are completed…I can say the same about me….looking forward to using the ladies room without fear or shame…besides iits easier to piss sitting down cause my tiny little nub is more like a clit than a dick anyways….
oh I see so now we’re back to me being a preop-trans and lusting after little boys,,,,you’re getting real stale with this shit but because you have to comment after me I Own You child……you wouldn’t k ow what to do and whom to insult if I wasn’t here….
…there’s some stellar logic from Andreas the cuck after I stole his given name and fucked him up the virtual ass….this is like Occam’s razor little cuck…the simplest explanation must be the correct one….I’m here to humiliate you because you’re an attention whore and I’m performing a public service as reply room monitor…..cuck on….feel free to acknowledge your complete and absolute confirmation of your cuckishness with any reply here or elsewhere….
holy photo shopped, remember last weeks one of her.
I get that you have never actually SEEN a woman naked, but do you REALLY not know the difference between a professional photoshoot and a paparazzi photo taken at a bad angle?
Is there ever gonna come a day when she’ll keep her arms off her breast and even show them off’ she already come to age now, it’s time for her to show off more’ when will that day ever be.