Here’s a new nude photo of Micaela Schäfer for Vice (April 2017). Micaela Schäfer is a German Nude model, Reality-Star, TV-Star, Glamour model and DJane. Age: 33.
Micaela Schäfer trains in the gym naked (March 2017). Micaela Schäfer is an nude model, actress, Djane, reality television star from Leipzig. Age: 33 years old
Here are new nude covered photos of German models Micaela Schaefer and Sarah Joelle Jahnel by Tobias Dörer (Berlin – March 2017).
Here are new nude and sexy photos and videos with Micaela Schäfer from Instagram (March 2017). Super hot content by German beauty! Micaela Schäfer is an erotic model, actress, Djane, reality TV star from Leipzig. Age: 33
Check it out new sexy photos of Micaela Schäfer from Instagram, 03/11/2017. Great butt! Micaela Schaefer is a model (Miss Maxim), actress (In Bed With…, 2017), disc jockey, singer, television presenter from Leipzig. Age – 33 (November 1, 1983)
Look! What a hot nude photos of models Micaela Schäfer and Chrissy Secret by Rene Lautensack from Cherry Magazine (March 2017).
Check it new promo shoot with Micaela Schäfer and Sarah Joelle Jahnel for “Naked slalom” in Steinach am Brenner (March 2017).
Check it out new topless photos of Micaela Schäfer from Fundorado (2017) + censored video. Micaela Schaefer is a German model, actress (In Bed With… (2017)), DJ, singer, TV presenter from Germany. Age – 33 (Born: November 1, 1983)
Dressed as Maleficent Micaela Schäfer shows her boobs with Yvonne Woelke at the Berlin carnival, 02/19/2017. Micaela Schaefer is a German actress (In Bed With… (2017)), model, TV presenter, DJ and singer from Germany. Born: November 1, 1983. Age: 33
Micaela Schäfer poses in new Giada.Berlin photoshoot (2017). Micaela Schaefer is a German actress, model, TV presenter, DJ and singer from Germany. Born: November 1, 1983. Age: 33