Chloe Khan Sexy (6 Photos)

Chloe Khan poses for Ajay Mittal’s photoshoot (December 2017). Chloe Victoria Heald (Chloe Victoria, Chloe Mafia) is a model, reality TV star, Playmate. Age – 26.


6 thoughts on “Chloe Khan Sexy (6 Photos)

  1. B-rad

    Meh…Aweful lot of daddy issues (not) being covered up by the fake; tits, lips, eye lashes, eye brows, caked on filler makeup…26, going on on 50.

    1. AJ

      The retard who’s asking the retarded questions about where people’s age, nationality, height or weight, momma’s and pappa’s are. So whatever was said about u being retarded, they are right.


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