Chrissy Teigen Pantyless (5 Photos)

Chrissy Teigen flashes her shaved pussy at the “2016 American Music Awards” in Los Angeles, 11/20/2016. Chrissy Teigen is an American model. Age: 30 (November 30, 1985). Height 1,74 m.


Chrissy Teigen Pantyless 1

Chrissy Teigen Pantyless 2 Chrissy Teigen Pantyless 3 Chrissy Teigen Pantyless 4 Chrissy Teigen Pantyless 5

35 thoughts on “Chrissy Teigen Pantyless (5 Photos)

  1. Jaswars

    This cunt and all actors out their need to shut the fuck up when it comes to Politics. AMA cut her off vocally when she was spouting off that mouthy cunt of hers about President Trump. Did you not learn from being soundly defeated that anything you actors and actresses and wannabe’s like yourself say to us do not and will not sway us EVER. All of your propagandist bullshit that spewed out of Hollywood during this last election hoping hurts revenue at the box office. You are ALL just actors and actresses getting way overpaid for what you all do. So do us all a favor and SHUT THE FUCK UP when it comes to politics. It is not your job…The American People will vote and decide so once again SHUT UP YOU STUPID CUNT.

    1. Andreas

      ahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, jackass!!!!!! wha wha wha, cry me a river and Trump is an ass ut not the prez just yet…..

    2. Star

      Soundly defeated? Trump didn’t even win the majority of votes. Anyone can speak their mind about politics – remember the first amendment, fascist?

      1. fabo24

        Star.who gives a fuck about the popular vote that NEITHER ONE TRIED TO WIN? Do you also say “My favorite football may have lost 28-10…but they had more first downs!” At BEST, it shows that Hillary was TERRIBLE at managing her time and money because she obviously spent too much of both in states that she didn’t need to. The fact that she spent so much time hobnobbing with celebrities when she already had California wrapped up is a HUGE reason she lost. That was a waste of time and money, and HURT her! My god…this election was a rally against the elitists. And she actually thought it would HELP her to have a picture of her sipping champagne in a private jet with Beyoncé and Jay Z.. THAT is how out of touch she is with the country. Get over it..Hillary lost and you are not going to be happy with politics for quite some time. Trump will get a supermarjority on in the Senate in 2018. It is probably time to kill yourself. I mean…you had nothing to live for Before the election…so you sure as shit have nothing now. Especially since you will be losing your food stamps at the end of the year.

        1. Star

          So you basically lied then? And tried to cover it up by a mindless rant? Trump did not “soundly defeated” anyone. His barely scrape through based on primarily on the support of of non-college educated whites.

          For the record, the liberals you hate so much are better educated than you and make more money than you. Blue states are generally wealthier than red states, and take less federal money. If food stamps were ever ended, the ones to be hit most are loudmouth rednecks like you.

          I’m happy Trump won. The country forgets easily. It will demonstrate to everyone once again how the country will go backwards under Republican administration. I hope Trump will emulate tea party economics to the hilt, like they did in Kansas. Look at how well that turned out!

    3. Drew

      At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

    4. Lol

      1. The electoral college decides who they vote on. They’re supposed to vote in favor of who recieves more votes but they do not have to and will only get a fine if they vote for someone else.

      2. She’s a model and tv host not an actress, specify next time.

      3. This is a porn site not a political podium for you to take a stand.

    5. Nozomu Tamaki

      Actors and actresses are part of the American people you idiot, they have the same rights and privileges we duo*maybe moore so) but they are still pay of the people. She can say whatever she wants about politics and government cause they run them too. So how about YOU SHIT THE FUCK YO YOU GOD DAMN FAGOT ASS FACIST!!!!

  2. Andreas

    I’m a Shillary supporter cause she’s crooked like my momma. I’m talk big, but I’m sad and need crayons, a safe space and comfort pets to console me. Those things also help with my bestiality addiction. Blah, blah, blah, useless blather , useless blather. I’ve never seen or touched a real women so I pretend to on all my useless posts. Besides, I’m a pathetic fat old slob living on entitlement payments and eating twinkies, both kinds.

    1. Andreas

      oh look it’s my wanna be doppelganger….letting the same old trite shit drool from his piehole… need new material, sonny and has your mommy figured out you’re jacking it to the Men’s Fappening page……but dont worry it’s much more accepted these days…….so when is your gay wedding little butterfly? sorry but you cant be me……

  3. PuppyMonkeyBaby

    This chick already admited that she never wears panties. Then Joan Rivers asked her, what do you do if you’re on your period and its pretty heavy.

    She answered that she has her methods.

    1. Andreas

      and you know this how?…….she just had a kid and looks damn good….unless you see it, smell it, hear it, touch it, and taste it is bullshit……and I believe you fit that category…..

    1. Andreas

      …but that’s her choice. Personally, I love the feeling of tight silk panties on my ass. Sometimes I wear crotchless panties however, because it makes for easier access when I’m at Scout activities like camping. Mmmm.

  4. Andreas

    she doesn’t need to stay relevant, she’s a super model and married to John Legend, she has said from early on that she doesn’t wear panties….

  5. Star Support

    Star is right, the Rest of you, except Andreas, are fucking ignorant rednecks who Haß no ideas about politics! I Love to see trump as a president because i’d like to see america going down! #fuckdonaldtrump #fuckamerica #fuckingracists


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