Cindy Crawford in Lingerie Before Photo Shopping (1 Photo)

Un-photoshopped photos of Cindy Crawford in Lingerie. Fat belly. Need diet and fitness! Cindy Crawford is an American model. Age 48.



7 thoughts on “Cindy Crawford in Lingerie Before Photo Shopping (1 Photo)

  1. Mayfair Magee

    I’m fairly certain that I read (many months ago) an official statement from Crawford and/or her photographer that someone purposely/maliciously photo-shopped an attractive photo into an unattractive fake.

    Given that her body is her livelihood ….. and fitness, nutrition, and body maintenance have long been priorities in her daily life, it’s highly unlikely that her body is as diminished as the unsourced photo depicts. Also, she’s been very wealthy for most of her adult life ….. and thus financially capable of hiring the finest surgeons to repair any damage that MIGHT have made her occasionally wary of cameras.

    Her character and integrity have never been publicly compromised, so her word should be taken at face value. The photo is fake until proven otherwise.


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