Umm yeah they are new, she was photographed the last several days while in Malibu. And if your referring to her looking young here based on that one unflattering picture of her surfaced a short while ago, many people claim that it was photoshopped to make her look worse. Which makes sense because she had candid beach pics taken shortly after and she looked really good.
grandma got boobs
Show us picture of ur grandma, fuckface
how are these topless??
Those aren’t new. She looks way too young in them for them to be recent.
Umm yeah they are new, she was photographed the last several days while in Malibu. And if your referring to her looking young here based on that one unflattering picture of her surfaced a short while ago, many people claim that it was photoshopped to make her look worse. Which makes sense because she had candid beach pics taken shortly after and she looked really good.
Yes, another fake!! Not topless and not new!!
Ass looks a little chunky in pic 10, but I would still bury my face in it and maybe even eat the corn out of her shit!!!
Look, the fishermen netted themselves a mermaid/whale cross breed !!! Tons of money to be made from lamp oil if they sell the whale blubber on her..