Demi Lovato Nude (9 Photos)

Nude photos of Demi Lovato in Vanity Fair (October 2015). So hot! Demi Lovato is an American singer and actress. Age 23 (August 20, 1992).



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33 thoughts on “Demi Lovato Nude (9 Photos)

        1. DickensCider

          “But i’m smart enough to know how the proper usage of you’re”
          You obviously aren’t that smart, with that grammar. Fucking tard, welcome to the internet.

      1. Carlos T. Jackal

        Well, I do know the correct usage of “you’re,” so I’m already smarter than you. And less gay as well, I’ll wager.

    1. pboi

      really??? ur complaining about this? what is wrong w/ u people. u guys can’t just enjoy looking at a beautiful body?…I understand about preferences, like tats…i’m not a big fan of tats either…but come on u don’t have to nit pick every little things.

    2. Luke

      Tattoos are her choice, ass is perfectly acceptable. If she came calling I certainly wouldn’t be turning her away. If you’re turning your nose up at this, I have to assume you’re either a virgin or you’re swimming in pussy… If you’re swimming in pussy I’d have to ask why you feel the need to check out the fappening.

      1. Carlos T. Jackal sucks balls

        Clearly Carlos T. Jackal is into 9 year old boys if he thinks she’s got a fat ass. He’s probably a trump supporter too.

  1. The dude

    i am fantasizing that one day I meet her and piss her off and she’ll say “Kiss my ass.”. Gladly, ma’am.

    1. KSA

      hey i try to zoom the picture and i didn’t see her delicious asshole

      someone please show me her delicious asshole

  2. thepartygod

    she is 23 and she has the body of a fat bitch whos 40, sorry guys, there is a lot better out there, she is a fucking cow. and if you guys think she is “hot” then you are losers getting sub par pussy and being cool with it, man up and get better ass.

    1. Dickens Cider

      You see, that’s where your wrong, fuckhead.
      This photo shoot was unedited, she wore no makeup and she fucking killed it. If your standards are as high as they seem, it’s no wonder you’re still a virgin. If you think she looks 40, you are fucking blind, and if you think that is fat, then you aren’t going to like any woman that cares about your miserable life with your neck beard sitting in a dark basement masturbating to porn you do nothing but criticise and believe it or not bleach is your inly true friend right now so do us all a favour and increase the whiny bitch suicide rate by 10%.

    2. Smackingabitchup

      The party God get the fucking dick out of your fucking mouth you been partying too much with cock in your ass

    3. klawick

      You DO realize that you just pretty much proved to the world that YOU haven’t been laid since Bush was in office, right? The FIRST one.

  3. Spiky 101

    The ones who think this is not a nice boddy will never get out off mommy’s basement. You do know those skull and bones girls starve themselve, this one has great curves and the world needs more of those woman! At least this one dont break in half when you do here. Thats whats wrong with the world, to high standards that are unrealistic!

  4. Big Daddy

    Some people have way too high standards. She isn’t the hottest girl ever but is still is very pretty and has a nice “real” body. Anybody who says she isn’t totally doable has never been with a real woman and maybe would do better looking at men.

  5. dan in michigan

    She’s extremely beautiful. Now that she’s finally dumped that loser “Wilmer,” I expect she and I will be hooking up soon. 😉

  6. Pankaj

    OMG….Me and my life love DEMI LOVATO. We sex watching this video. We even masturbate looking these sexy pic. We have fantasy to fuck this bitch one by one in BDSM THREESOME.


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