Here are the nude and sexy photos and video of Denisa Strakova from Instagram/Vimeo. Denisa Strakova is a 29-year-old nude model from Prague, CZ. The charming woman attracts attention with great naked photo shoots. Denisa was photographed for her own art projects and cooperates with amateur photographers.
Denisa Strakova has slender legs, a narrow waist, small tits. She has excellent flexibility and a sense of frame.

Looks a little bit like pornstar Bunnie Hughes.
Fuck censorship!
Just yesterday, I was thinking about the fact that male artists don’t use their (naked) bodies as a subject of their “work,” but female “artists” will use their bodies as the focal element of display. They may say that this “empowers” them, as though it were some act of feministic defiance, but it’s really just exploiting their female bodies by objectification – tossing images of their sexualized bodies into the spectacular soup of pop culture, along with those in advertising and pornography. It’s really so much more radical and “transgressive” for a woman to keep her clothes on while being good at, say, painting, or playing an instrument, or something truly artistic and not obnoxiously politicized for the sake of provocation.
But, while this girl is naked, I gotta say that she oughta learn about the pleasures to be found in cheeseburgers.
Face: 5/10
Body: 7/10
so 83 pics of a ‘nude’ model and she’s either covered up or when she does show the goods…it’s CENSORED!!! WTF!!! the only good thing is the video…great body and as an ‘art’ piece really nice w/ the B&W and the lines and lighting…but would prefer to see it in color and HD to see the goods