Ebonee Davis Nude & Sexy (11 Photos)

New nude and sexy photos of Ebonee Davis by David Bellemere in Lui Magazime France #28 (July 2016). Perfect chocolate body! Ebonee Davis is an American model. Age: 23.


Ebonee Davis Nude 7

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25 thoughts on “Ebonee Davis Nude & Sexy (11 Photos)

    1. AJ

      Good to hear Monster. One white pig less to worry about and just fyi….most black women aren’t into white men with their small dicks either….sorry.

        1. MonsterSlayer

          Black women don’t like white mass murdering, enslaving, kkk hood wearing, neanderthal DNA having white people.

      1. cpt stabbin

        lol some one not into black women and you call racist?

        how do you know the poster wasnt black himself.
        check your liberal white guilt at the door,
        if someone is not into something, they are just not into it.

        1. hurr durr

          It’s fine if someone’s not into a certain type of person or look. On the other hand, there’s a HUGE fucking picture of the person right underneath the link showing who it is. It’s pretty much putting a “kick me” sign on your back to go into a link that has a photoshoot of a black women only to comment that you’re “not into black women.” You can claim innocence in his defence based on technicalities, sure, but you’re basically excusing someone who’s either really stupid, trying to get a rise out of people, or just an arsehole. Actually, the latter two are the pretty much the same to me.

          Lastly, if I were to have an aversion to, say, Asian women, you know what I wouldn’t do? Wait for it, it’s mind-blowing: I’d NOT CLICK ON THE FUCKING PICTURE AND MAKE A COMMENT ABOUT HOW I DON’T LIKE ASIAN WOMEN.

  1. G

    If you’re reading this it does not matter your preference or ethnicity. Either you like the pics or you dont. Why comment with ignorance?! Dont comment if you dont like her.

  2. Jay-D

    Yea finally post a dark Black woman , she is gorgeous, beautiful amazing woman Black is Beautiful. More women like her on here.

  3. Westy

    Lets all be civilized mates…she’s lovely. If you don’t like her, kindly scroll to the next one.

  4. Jon Snow

    Regardless of whether your racist/no in to black girls you can’t dispute the fact that Ebonee-davis is Fucking Gorgeous a natural beauty

  5. Andreas

    gorgeous woman who should be respected and appreciated no matter the race of the lady or the suitor…..this is about chicks that are beautiful so what the fuck has all this juvenile shit got to do with it….assholes…..

  6. They finally post something that isn’t a fat white girl with badly dyed red hair, and some asshole has to get all racist about it.

    I know we shouldn’t be judgemental on a site dedicated to jerking off, but still, I’m disappointed. If you’re not into black chicks, maybe look at the 95 percent of the photos on this site that aren’t black chicks ….

  7. I'm so white

    Stupid fucking nigger whore! Some day she will be a single mom with a dead beat nigger dad just like the rest of them.

    1. AJ

      Well said “Im so white”. After all, all black dads are dead beats and there are no white pigs dead beat dads out there at all. Your KKK father and mother will be soooo proud of you. Now go on back in your trailer and go and fuck your momma you mongol slave owner.


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