Ellie Goulding X-Ray (4 Photos)

Here’re hot X-rayed photos of Ellie Goulding from photo shoot for her tour in Antwerpen, 02/09/2016. Ellie Goulding is an English singer, songwriter. Age: 30 (30 December 1986).


Ellie Goulding X-Ray

Ellie Goulding X-Ray 4 Ellie Goulding X-Ray 3 Ellie Goulding X-Ray 2

7 thoughts on “Ellie Goulding X-Ray (4 Photos)

  1. Turlough

    I’ll say this for Ellie Goulding, for someone who is essentially quite a plain looking girl, she tries really hard. She’s making the best of what she’s got, which ain’t that much besides a reasonably nice body.

    1. Dingus


      Some “x-ray” images use photoshop to adjust pics where the subject is wearing something see-through. They will tell you that they’re “enhancing” the image to let you better see what is already showing, but their “enhancement” is as meaningless as what you see on CSI. What they’re doing is adjusting an image to make it seem like the clothing is more see-through than it is – these images are ‘mostly’ fake.

      Most “x-ray” images simply use photoshop to add in fake nipples etc. to pics – these images are totally fake.


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