Emily Ratajkowski was seen on vacation in Mykonos wearing an orange bikini, 06/28/2018. Emily doesn’t hide the seductive figure both in the studio and in life. She often pleases her fans with candid pictures. The 27-year-old model and actress showed off her stunning slim body for all at the one of the most prestigious beaches in Greece.

Rat attack!
any excuse to show off that body before it gets bad in old age
1. She’s at the fucking beach you idiot.
2.shes a model
3. Go suck some dick at the gas station gloryhole where you work, you cuck beta bitch
Don’t understand the haters. That is a fine, un-tattooed, un-“enhanced,” un-pierced woman. I will enjoy the sexing with her.
no hips/no ass and you know shes bright as a bag of coal
Don’t understand why homos come here to comment. Go look at dick pics fag
Sounds about perfect IMHO.
She has tits. She has a vag. I can put a dick in her mouth to shut up her idiotic prattling.
Maybe she is ‘bright as a bag of coal’, but she’s still smarter than you
They’re either jealous fat girls or homosexuals that hate on attractive women cause they’ll never be one.
She’s perfection. Great ass great tits. Hot lips.
I swear I see some outer pussy lip in pic #6 …
Who cares we ve all seen her delicious pussy lips already.
Any you dickless haters wouldn’t kick her off your face if she offered fuck if she asked you to pick the peanuts out of her shit you’d ask to eat them.
1) Have not seen those pix.
2) Where have I *ever* “hated” on the delectable Emily?
[email protected] She’s there yachting.
Nobody is saying anything against her body. But her mediocre tranny face is just a dealbreaker.
well you don’t have to worry about that…ur a ‘dealbreaker’ period
you have nothing to offer any women, therefore you have nothing to ‘deal’ for
Hideous bathing suit
You Wieners and haters’d all jizz your pants if she even looked at you in person.