26 thoughts on “Emily Ratajkowski Sexy (34 Pics + GIFs & Video)

      1. no

        lol if you think she’s famous from having 10 total minutes of screentime in the movies she’s been in you’re sadly mistaken.

  1. JrSalami

    Face is a 6 out of 10….a nose job would help..

    The body is a 8 out of 10…could eat a burger or 2

    The Tits n Ass are 10 out of 10….perfect….GREAT…AWESOME for her frame.

  2. Severin

    I always wonder how many of these girls did a bit of escorting before they blew up. Did Emily? I have no idea, but it’s horrible to imagine that her holes could have been available for a fee and I missed the opportunity. Look, I love fucking whores and fucking women in general, but it’s always in the back of my mind that by fucking this one or these couple or these few I am not fucking others. It’s maddening.

  3. Brazilian Boy

    If I envy someone in this world is this man (probably a gay for her to let him do it) who is lying with the face next to her wonderful ass, feeling the aroma of the body on her sweat. fetish to smell that for ass.

    1. pboi

      you need to get ur eyes examine, shut ur mouth, and put a plastic bag over ur head….yeah, I know we can still see your ugly face…but not for long

  4. Spankmaster

    Brazilian Boy. I entirely agree about her arse making a perfect head rest, along with it being equally great for a large number of fucking purposes, especially cream-pieing her cunt reverse doggie style. Beat, however, needs to put a plastic bag that’s been soaked in high octane fuel on his head and then set it on fire so that he knows what being truly fucking ugly is all about. And I like traffic lights…

  5. Kanelkanal

    Living up to her nickname Rideajetski. Because she’s a yacht whore. And look. Michelle’s there too. Tag team whoring.


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