13 thoughts on “Emily Ratajkowski Sexy (62 Photos + GIF)

    1. Oz

      You mean she actually passes your test? I thought your standards were high because you’re such a catch. Women love fat ugly guys who live on sites like these.

  1. wawawee

    Who is that guy. He’s like the male version of Cara where somehow he’s always seen spotted with celebs. Dude looks like he has downs. How is he a male model?

  2. Ren

    Envious? Well, it does kinda make me wish that some Charles Manson type (a real one) would enlist a corps of misfits to slaughter wealthy celebrities. Which ones, I cannot say. Where to start?

  3. Brazilian Boy

    I have a mast (got rigid at the time I read the name of this whore) in which she can sit at ease, he is polite and stands up for her to sit!!! hahahahah. When I see this girl I only think one thing: high-yield prostitution

  4. Lou

    Isn’t she married? I wouldn’t mind my wife hopping around yachts, but that dude she’s with was resting his head on her ass.

    Soy boy husband needs to be replaced with a real man.

  5. Langsmurf

    I’d bent her over, cracking her ass cheeks apart by hitting her with my woody.
    I think it’s time for her to expose that pussy a little more. Give her some air…


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