It’s a fake or not? We checked the photo. Please see result below!
It’s a 100% fake.
Original photos
Her name is Marina Visconti (aka Marina, Marina V, Marina Viskonti, Sheila, Vika B.). She’s a Russian porn actress and adult model.It’s a fake or not? We checked the photo. Please see result below!
It’s a 100% fake.
Original photos
Her name is Marina Visconti (aka Marina, Marina V, Marina Viskonti, Sheila, Vika B.). She’s a Russian porn actress and adult model.
The internet is filled with these and its a cancer. Dont spread it here as well.
Is this stupid shit going to keep showing up on the website? If you’re dumb enough to believe that any of these are real, then you’re probably too fucking retarded to use the Internet.
These are dumb as fuck. Stop it already.
Fucking obviously. This site is going severely downhill.
this is so stupid. We’re here for the leaks and they aren’t even easy to find in the site anymore because you literally publish everything you find that has a female (or even a male in the case of michaela scaffer) in it, and now even this?
Did the website owner changed? Maitland Ward! r u there? plz come back!
Holy shit! I never would’ve thought
you are ruining the website. Everyone knows these are fake. we are ok with occasional sexy photos, what are you trying to do?
Can we stop this crap??
Did someone hack the site and just start posting this shit?
Yes, Hunky White Trash, they sure did. Just like the nigger who’s fucking your momma.
Shut the fuck up you racist Donald Trump dick sucker lmao.
Really is that fake?? It looks so real.
Yeah wtf is going on here lately. Fake or not. What are you gonna start posting pics of Bigfoot and Yeti asking if they are fake or not. Get it together
Stevie Wonder took a piss on it.
and hit your face licking the piss off
It’s been what? A month tops since the last round of actual celeb leaks?
And you’re posting this shit why?
I think it’s time to drop this site from my daily visits…. Really not the site it once was, not with all this fake ass shit that so obvious even a vicar could tell without too much effort..!!
I don’t know why can’t you guys show a bit of appreciation…. cuz ur a bunch of a-holes…??
Great post. 100% real, obviously! Awesome!!!
Pls stop… just stop
Dear god stop this shit.
Please no more Fake-or-not Bullshit.
Thanks for doing my job!
WTF is this? Taking pics from the Jihad site and telling us they are fake? Thanks Sherlock
You are indeed worthy of the name “crapper”.
Leave this shit off the site. Someone needs to get their head out of their ass if they think this is what we came here looking for.
Seriously, stop this shit!
What is the purpose of this shit?
Please stop this. Not only is it fucking stupid it’s a waste of bandwidth.
The most obvious reason is it’s just a terribly bad fakes.
What new bullshit is this? No one needs your expertise to know whether the pics are fake or real. Focus on posting real leaks instead. This is worse than those regular Maitland Ward posts.
It’s totally real, I took the picture!
honestly never post this shit again smh
Quit with the feckin FAKES!!!!!! At the same time stop posting the models who always get their tits out, stick with leaks or unexpected celebs.
Well, fuck. Way to ruin Marina Visconti for me. I liked her until you did that shit.
nice body, shame about the face
Wow this site just became shit, of course its fake you stupid fuck! I’m done visiting this site, was good once upon a time but i guess the owner became a retard.
What’s next? “dog turd or fake dog turd?” This is bollocks, what happened to the rest of the supposed fappening 2017?
Soon it will be “Tag someone who thinks this is real”
I wish it wasn’t but it is. 🙁
This is the sort of bullshit that happens when we are kept waiting for the Kirsten Dunst sex tape.
Of course the picture is fucking fake, you probably made it in the first place.
Delete your site
Delete your site faggot
Best leaks yet! I love her my cock is going to be sore tonight
So are you guys just stealing shit from Celeb Jihad now or what?
Why do fake nudes exist and who the hell is sitting around making these? I’m baffled.