Fake or Not: Selena Gomez

It’s a fake or not? We checked the photo. Please see result below!

It’s a 100% fake.

Original photos

Photographed by Jake Bailey (2015)

[Hegre-Art.com] – Submerged (Jan 01, 2014)

Her name is Melinda. She’s a Hungarian erotic model. Age: 22

38 thoughts on “Fake or Not: Selena Gomez

    1. Horny Toad

      You are so full of shit your eyes are brown. That was a fairly obvious fake. There have been enough pix of SG in a bikini or showing side boob to exclude those (quite nice) puffy nippled titties. The person who executed the fake has some small facility in the software but is anything but highly proficient.

  1. no ome

    this seriously needs to stop, these fakes at not even good, why not just make the post all about laughing at how bad these fakes are

  2. Vercetti

    You did it again so as I promised we will un-bookmark this website forever. If I want this crap I will visit the original place of it (CelebJihad). by the way changing website address and changing behavior is the obvious sign of change of the owner and probably hacking him! BYE

  3. Mr Obvious

    What’s next? A section comparing the hotness of Santa Claus vs The Loch Ness Monster. Or worse… even more Maitland Ward pics from her social media feed!!!

    How about a photo of aliens, Bigfoot, a python swallowing a whale, Ellen D getting some D, etc and let is mull over the credibility of those photos too.

    Thanks admin! – you are soiling what should be a joyous fappening movement. Just sayin’

  4. Endgame

    I’ve never seen these fakes except for here and now let alone trying pass as real except anywhere except for here. So, Like what’s up with this shit? Someone must be bored out of their head waiting for another hack so they can can post something relevant to the site.

  5. AJ

    So sad that you have stooped this low. First your nonsense but still acceptable polls and now obviously fake bullshit pics, just to get the clicks needed for the ads on your site.
    I’ll still visit, but you’ve now sunk to a lower trustworthy pathetic level. But hey, you keep posting pics of Matiland Ward as well, so what the hell…..you do as you like, no matter how pathetic and idiotic it makes you look. As long as you make your $$$$. I would look for balance but hey, what the fuck you care?

  6. Fuck These Posts

    Why the fuck are these still being posted? If I wanted to see fakes, I would get on one of those terrible websites. The name of this is “The Fappening”, not “Look at these obvious fakes that I think pass for quality content”.

  7. JW

    I don’t understand the point of these posts. You ask is it fake and then already have your answer because it’s proved in the post. Therefore making there being a question pointless. And the pictures are clearly fake and you know they’re fake too. I would prefer to see no post than another one of these.

  8. Rick

    Calm down guys, this is an obvious jab at the celebjihad website. Not necessary, pretty annoying, but an obvious jab.

  9. fuck you

    yup…and unbookmarked this site. 4 times i guess is my limit. peace website that will change its url address again next week.

  10. The Man

    Checked by makarova23.ru. Yeah right! Like its official or something. Of course its fake. Everybody here knows you photoshop them yourself and prove them as fake yourself. If you are doing this for attention then why not post your real name and photo here? Lets see what a genius looks like.

  11. CK

    I think whoever runs this site — hell, it could be a 10 year old for all we know — seems to do these useless, pointless, brainless posts in between posting actual REAL nudes and leaks. I don’t know why that is, but it’s really fucking annoying and irritating! Fortunately I’m still hanging around, but I’m not sure how much longer I can tolerate this madness.

  12. Chez


    This is a stupid direction the site is taking. I can just about deal with the polls, the ‘naked’ celebs that aren’t actually naked and just about can stomach your obsession with Micaela Schäfer, but this ridiculous series really has to stop. They are the worst fakes ever, stop wasting our time solving questions that were never asked.

  13. Smh

    As someone else said, none of this garbage was on the site until the domain change. Seems like whoever purchased the site determined to turn it to garbage like CelebJihad.


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