18 thoughts on “Farrah Abraham Naked (21 Photos)

  1. JrSalami

    That fake ass doesn’t look half bad…nicely shape…probably a ton of photoshop to clear up all those moon craters, cellulite, etc…but still doesn’t look ridiculous huge like Kim Ho.

  2. brazilian boy

    the best pictures of this bitch are always: 1nua 2exposing her vagina (in that dress with opening, remember?) and 3lingerie. only. these photos are in category 1 most acceptable for the type of woman that she is, that is TRASH! I confess I would like to remove the sands from your body, obviously the work would be done with my tongue.

  3. John doncafe

    Al chile it’s hard to Watch this plastic shit with her tiny legs and a great butt, it’s kind of the kardashians way, so I came to post for the first time here so we can discuss of this bitch

  4. Jeremy Fucking Clarkson

    In my new role as a porn star, I’d expect her to wash that sand off first or else I might chafe my little tinkle.


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