Reality star Farrah Abraham flaunts her amazing bikini body keeping cool with a fresh coconut on Wavi private island in Fiji, 05/02/2018.
She’s only 26 and she looks like a milf with her silicone lips, tits and ass.

if you haven’t seen her holes, click here
“Looks like a MILF with her…” Dude, you are a motherfucking RETARD with everything you type. Someone please fire this fucking idiot. Nothing he says makes sense. No, asshole, she looks like a fucking freak show. A MILF is a mature woman you’d want to fuck No one wants to fuck this walking disaster.
Eat a dick, dude.
ur not making any sense. he owns this site if u fire him whos gunna post shit?
Ditto, that means we agree with him
So you are both dumb. A MILF is a “mom I’d like to fuck” not a mature woman. Plus this whore got famous on mtv show Teen Moms. So saying she looks like a MILF , no shit because she is one ( know your material webmaster) For the other dumb dude, learn your acronyms before making comments.
where is a saltwater croc when you need one.
You can lead a horse to water
Not the prettiest thing but she is certified nympho so I’d smash. Bitch will literally let you do what you want to her
she’s not a nympho, she’s a whore.
she uses her pussy to get things. That’s a whore.
What is more hilarious than a couple of teenagers giving poo opinions which are based on a lack of culture and life’s knowledge. Little gentlemen she’s not one of the things you said above.And it’s obvious you just playing with words not knowing the meaning of them. She’s a beautiful and nice lady which worked for everything she has achieved, so don’t fool yourself believing what others teenagers could say or what gossip says because they don’t know a damn thing about her okay.
The words Farrah Abraham and sexy should not be used in the same sentence.
What’s wrong with her ass?
Lol, why do chicks get ass implants. Looks so fucking stupid.
Whatever any of you guys could say she’s a baby.