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Dele Alli

Тема в разделе "Celebrity Leaked Photos", создана пользователем crapper, 6 фев 2018.

  1. crapper

    crapper Administrator Команда форума

    Dele Alli 'sex tape leak'. Bamidele Jermaine Alli, commonly referred to as Dele Alli, or just Dele, is an English professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for Premier League club Tottenham Hotspur and the England national team.

    Dele Alli leaked.MOV_snapshot_00.00.jpg Dele Alli leaked.MOV_snapshot_00.07.jpg Dele Alli leaked.MOV_snapshot_00.03.jpg Dele Alli leaked.MOV_snapshot_00.05.jpg Dele Alli leaked.MOV_snapshot_00.05.jpg Dele Alli leaked.MOV_snapshot_00.01.jpg Dele Alli leaked.MOV_snapshot_00.00.jpg Dele Alli leaked.MOV_snapshot_00.03.jpg Dele Alli leaked.MOV_snapshot_00.07.jpg Dele Alli leaked.MOV_snapshot_00.01.jpg

    Thanks to Rachel for the info!




    Последнее редактирование: 7 фев 2018
    magoo22, dean.riding, neb6969 и ещё 1-му нравится это.
  2. Harthosi

    Harthosi Well-Known Member

    Surprised he didn't dive on her. He does it all over the pitch!
    mithrandirthegrey, Ckorfc, hammertime4444 и 4 другим нравится это.
  3. Socho47

    Socho47 Active Member

    Footballer norms.
  4. Samsam14

    Samsam14 Member

    Rachel leaking her own as well?
  5. lutherkent

    lutherkent Well-Known Member

    Her bf ...


    Baggies07 и sndssngsnf нравится это.
  6. SwedishMeatball

    SwedishMeatball New Member

    hammertime4444 нравится это.
  7. bdavis03

    bdavis03 Member

    Soccer player not fucking another dude? Gotta be fake.
  8. DixMartie

    DixMartie Well-Known Member

    At least he gets to laugh at his dick. Worth it.
  9. Gutty123

    Gutty123 Member

    Who is Rachel? The girl in the video?
  10. lutherkent

    lutherkent Well-Known Member

    She looks fucking hot and I can't even see her face
  11. maxg4

    maxg4 Member

    Soccer? Fag.
    SwedishMeatball, tyuiop и yavin24 нравится это.
  12. Jayhab999

    Jayhab999 New Member

    Why did the video I posted get deleted? Just wondered. .
  13. shalalala

    shalalala Member

    You think that's a big dick?
    yourmum и ianmac нравится это.
  14. lutherkent

    lutherkent Well-Known Member

    It keeps getting deleted for some reason... Obviously someone here doesn't like seeing cock.

    Funny how they're quick to delete the video but never do anything about pointless threads being made asking bullshit questions.
  15. tjk

    tjk Member

    I mean it's probably because of copyright?
  16. PeterAts

    PeterAts Member

    How sad and valueless is your life, that you feel the need to do this?
  17. Socho47

    Socho47 Active Member

    Oh! Delle Alli you put up more of a performance for Tottenham then this.
  18. DixMartie

    DixMartie Well-Known Member

    As soon as he got into her box he went limp and dropped to the ground.
    Последнее редактирование: 11 фев 2018
    Socho47, JayBrad и hammertime4444 нравится это.
  19. Socho47

    Socho47 Active Member

    He’s known for his diving.
  20. Socho47

    Socho47 Active Member

    The ref will have to come to a decision on this wether he’s offside or onside.