Gal Gadot Sexy (41 Photos)

Gal Gadot looks like she’s afraid of heights as she films on a wire for “Wonder Woman 1984” in Washington DC, 06/18/2018. Gal was seen looking nervously around in between takes as she dangles from a few special effects wires. Gal’s stunt double was also seen filming scenes high above the ground in front of the Capitol Building.


27 thoughts on “Gal Gadot Sexy (41 Photos)

      1. The Globalman

        jewish hatred is global, it’s in blood. God makes you hate the satan.
        even animals hate the jews

  1. Brock Lee

    No one ever believes me when I tell them this new Wonder Woman is actually a man. However, all you have to do is look at “her” shoulders and see how much wider those shoulders are than “her” hips. Just look at the first picture and see how much “her” shoulders extend WAY beyond “her” hips…even though “she” is wearing that metal-skirt which makes “her” hips APPEAR wider…”her” shoulders STILL extend MUCH wider than “her” hips.
    That is a Biological FACT. Don’t believe me? LOOK IT UP!
    My whole point is: Gal Gadot…is no gal.

    1. Juice

      Just because here shoulders are wider than her hips doesnt make her a man lol. The so called “fact” you speak of is a general rule, and there are always exceptions to rules. Maybe you should go look it up.

      1. Brock Lee

        JUICE: Yes, there are SOME exceptions to the rule. I’ve seen with my own two eyes ONLY TWO women in the past 10 years whomst have shoulders wider than their hips; and they can’t have birth because their birth canal is too narrow. However, in Hollywood, over 90% of the the “women” have shoulders wider than their hips. The odds of that happening are second-from-impossible. My point is: over 90% of of female celebrities ARE ACTUALLY MEN!

        Carlos T. Jackal: Yes, “she” has two daugthers. However, they are adopted OR “she” is actually the FATHER of those two. “They” pull that crap all the time. Gal Gadot FATHERS one of the children with a REAL woman, while “her” husband fathers the other one with the same woman. This is done so the husband and the tranny mother have children which look like each of them, but not both of them at the same time. This fools people into thinking, “Yup! ‘She’ must be the mother since ONE of the kids looks like her; while the other kid took his/her looks from his/her father.”

        FP Jones: You and the others don’t seem to believe me. THAT’S PERFECT! I don’t want you to believe me. I want you to distrust these people exactly like you distrust me right now! I want you to LEARN about Human Biology and SEE for YOURSELF what “they” are hiding in plain sight, RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU! I want you to learn so you are no fooled by “them” and so you may see how they blind and manipulate you. If you don’t believe me…do the research YOURSELF!

        1. Anonymus

          and I thought the Flat-Earth community were a bunch of idiots, but you are topping them with your bullshit…or are you most likely one of them or even the leader of these idiots?

        2. Tony

          Holy shit, you actually wrote a dissertation on a celebrity leak website. Damn, somebody needs to get a life……..

    2. go to be boy

      u have to stop smoking whatever the hell uare smoking lol..
      SHE GAVE BIRTH A FEW YEARS GO… u are like one of those guys that only like super small cuty girls right

  2. Jaxx

    Jewish & Israeli girls are sexy as fuck and fun to party with. If you don’t think so you’ve never been to Israel and have no idea what you’re missing.

  3. Megabigshaft

    Ugly Jewish bitch with no tits the old wonder woman had big tits. Either recast now while you still can or just reboot the franchise again.

  4. ballen

    always look like shit when they do these wire works and the actor cant deal without holding in them, in the movie you clearly see she is holding invisible wires, it break the illusion to much, use CGI if you cant train the dog(actor) to do what you want

  5. stephen robert mcgee

    Wow what the fuck is wrong with you people! First off if she’s a dude then I am now officially gay! Because I would fuck the farts out of that! Second off you Trump supporting motherfuckers need to get a fucking life and fuck off with the racist bullshit! It’s all pink on the inside!

    1. Barton

      I was gonna say the same shit. Well said! And no joke u racist fucks last time I checked even your mom’s pussies were soft and pink and was just like a Jewish girl I dated. (Yes I’m saying your mom’s are whores btw!)


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