Gigi Gorgeous is seen arriving at the 25th Lifeball in Vienna, 06/02/2018. Giselle Loren Lazzarato (born Gregory Allan Lazzarato) aka Gigi Gorgeous, is a Canadian transgender YouTube star, TV personality, socialite, actress, and glamour model. Age: 26 years old.

Nobody wants to see this faggot shit.
Bruh, this is supposed to be a “leaked site of female celebs”. If he identifies as a woman good for her I honestly don’t give a shit, but don’t post naked trans pics here. You’re basically turing into spankbang, pornhub & every other site where a bunch of homos post all their cuck porn an label it as Straight porn but it’s Gay porn (sorry but guys wanting other guys to fuck their supposed gfs or wives is something only homosexuals are into cause they don’t want to fuck the whores they just want to keep up their “straight cover” with their friends & family) an the admins are too obviously all closet cucks so they leave that gay porn where it doesn’t belong. You know damn well this is would be labeled as Gay porn.
OK that’s it, I’m done. Not bad enough you’re posting pics of fat, disgusting land whales, now you’re posting pictures of trannies. Fuck off with this and goodbye.
Oh, we know you’ll be back soon enough!
Damn, i thought this place couldnt sink any lower. Im done with this site.
Just say no to shemales.
Is this guy for real?
Might as well change the name of the site to The Chappening.
There is an actual CREASE where they glued on some breasts.
Hello, this is a man not a woman. I am not sure whether you looked at breasts or not. Very upsetting someone would post this picture of a male as if it were a female.
Wtf disgusting more like the crappening
You disgusting piece of shit! Make this site great again!
I would fuck her.
this is a dude
Fucking homophobes. Toxic the lot of ya
The only thing toxic is your t-cells.
Homo =/ trans…..sorry for your flawed logic, gays are great, trans are trash
Yup proudly homophobic. What you gonna do about it queer lover?
You could dm me on Facebook ya fucken dog
We will find you….and burn you at the stake
Seriously, now we are seeing dudes with tits? super barf, I didnt come here to see that, not in a million years…..even worse, there’s another set of his/her pics…..just because it has tits (fake ones) doesn’t mean it has to be posted…..don’t want to see freakin tranny-oids.
First the whale and now trannies? what has this place become!
Say NO to fat grannies, cucks, trannies, homos, niggers…. and of course – drugs!
Transphobic tards