Stunning busty model Grace J Teal from Lincolnshire was spotted while enjoying the sunshine in a red Baywatch style swimsuit at David Lloyd Centre in Southend Essex, 07/09/2018.
Who in their right mind would wants a payment from this over pumped inflatable doll !
That’s like inviting an infection, because you think to enjoy the idea of it
Aaaaaand that’s enough of this hideous fat skank.
show us what you look like
Why all the photosets the past few days? This fat slag paying you off? In money or blow jobs?
Who in their right mind would wants a payment from this over pumped inflatable doll !
That’s like inviting an infection, because you think to enjoy the idea of it
Wow…… Photoshop much #4
I’m guessing this skank has seen a niche in the market now Katie Price has fucked up her ‘career’.
Yes would smash.
I don’t know what y’all talking about pretty hot to me