Hacking Attacks

Dear visitors! Our web site is attacked by the hackers group. We apologize for the inconvenience and unstable work of web site.

46 thoughts on “Hacking Attacks

  1. Bandit

    They are probably tired of the disgusting attention whores you keep posting. Hope they take this shit site down so we can sigh with relief.

    1. Steve

      You’ve either written this comment knowing people will react to it, in which case who’s the attention whore? Or you really are an idiot who visits sites they really don’t like!

  2. Hackers anonymous

    Bandit you fucking spunk ferret if you don’t like this site why are you here every goddam day? Twat.

  3. Rob

    Does not matter, have all the leaks anyway. Will distribute them via Torrent once everything is leaked. What is posted on the internet will always be available on the internet. 😉 Its like illegal movies. Thes spent millions of dollars for removal but they always pop upbagain.

    1. Ken

      ^ once the material is leaked attacks like this are like pissing to try to put out a forest fire, I dont know why they even bother.

  4. itsemma

    Hmm, “hackers” here, and yet the only thing missing are the Emma Watson leaks. This is actually more confirmation that the nudes were of her than anything else. Who hires hackers to take down clothed pics?

  5. BananasFoster

    The person who said Nikki Bella is the biggest slut in the WWE obviously hasn’t seen the Paige leaks.

    1. Yourmom

      I seen the Paige leaks. That doesn’t make a slut. Nikki and brie fucked their way to the top when they returned to wwe. They fucked everybody in charge

  6. Mr whippy

    we need fresh kaylee coucco and jen lawrence pics and when is anna kendrick going to get naked for everyone

  7. Delta

    i would like to see a like/dislike button for comments. so many times, i just want to “thumbs up” most of these comments. most of the time, they’re better than the OP.

  8. klawicki

    NEver fails..some whining little bitch tries to make the US look bad and only succeeds in showing that you have NO CLUE about how anything is outside of the country. And that is why there is never going to be a single day in your life where anyone ill ever want you alive.. Including yourself.

  9. klawicki

    Yeah! If you can’t stop them all, you should just let them get away with it without any fear of reprisal! I don’t know why they go after ANY criminal. They will never catch every murderer, burglar, rapist, etc.


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