That’s what happens when they get liposuction on the legs and chin then start getting fat again. You see all the lines in the cellulite. She is in for a very rough time trying to make herself look good.
Give the woman a break. She was hot as hell up to around 2 years when she had a baby then the worst thing I suppose that can happen to a woman, other than losing her baby of course, she ended up going though a bad case of postpartum depression. She’s got that, or getting that under control and I’m sure once again she’ll be worth giving a second look and more. Resonantly I don’t think it was fair to post her here looking that with the title Hayden Panettiere Sexy. At the moment she’s not which is pretty obvious.
Love to see any of you useless fuckers to tell her man how ugly, fat, ass cheese etc etc she is…. He knock fuck out of everyone of you without breaking sweat!
Having that kid totally wrecked her. I can only imagine what a mess her vag is now. I bet it looks like a grenade exploded in a roast beef sammich. She really needs to never appear in public until she gets her shit under control. Otherwise she should change her name to Fatty McFattington and move to Bulgaria.
Used to be so hot I’ll go back to banging my staffie goddammit
Damn, she’s just 28, and she’s already hit the wall.
She has more ass cheese than my 69 year old mom… not that I was intentionally looking or anything…
Dont get this Klitchko guy, shes extra small, fat, no ass, no shape, chubby legs. She is 6 at best. and he could easily go for 10.
she is preggie again, powerful sperm
at some point in your life, you learn, looks isnt everything
You got a man crush? She looks like she’s positioning herself in the portly lawn gnome category.
that is what all preggie look like, you gay or something ?
he could have everyone, will never understand
Nahh, he looks like a dumhead.
That first pic of her is terrible
A dumpy little troll. Hmmm, who does that remind me of? ^^^
Jesus what happened
She had a baby
The ugly duckling still waiting to transform it seems
That’s what happens when they get liposuction on the legs and chin then start getting fat again. You see all the lines in the cellulite. She is in for a very rough time trying to make herself look good.
I think you need to look up the definition of sexy. That guy could do a lot better.
Yummy mummy
Time to hit the gym.
ugly midget fuck. throw it back into the ocean
Give the woman a break. She was hot as hell up to around 2 years when she had a baby then the worst thing I suppose that can happen to a woman, other than losing her baby of course, she ended up going though a bad case of postpartum depression. She’s got that, or getting that under control and I’m sure once again she’ll be worth giving a second look and more.
Resonantly I don’t think it was fair to post her here looking that with the title Hayden Panettiere Sexy.
At the moment she’s not which is pretty obvious.
Goddammit, wheres her nationality?
That bitch is a fat little Hobbit
Damn that giant sucked the life out of her. Wtf happened. One kid and she falls apart? Game over, good thing they have money.
Ouch. Game over.
Wait, What? Sexy? you have to be fucking kidding
Never go full troll…
Her legs look like sacks stuffed with cottage cheese. *BLECH!*
Bitch look like smalls from the sandlot!!!
shouldn’t have saved the cheerleader…
Makeover emergency. Reminds me of a Cabbage Patch Kid.
God, what the hell happened? Also why women can’t be 4’10. Put on 20 pounds, hack off some hair and and look like this.
Love to see any of you useless fuckers to tell her man how ugly, fat, ass cheese etc etc she is…. He knock fuck out of everyone of you without breaking sweat!
100% FACT!
Having that kid totally wrecked her. I can only imagine what a mess her vag is now. I bet it looks like a grenade exploded in a roast beef sammich. She really needs to never appear in public until she gets her shit under control. Otherwise she should change her name to Fatty McFattington and move to Bulgaria.