25 thoughts on “Helen Briggs See Through (38 Photos + Video)

  1. KillNig

    Ugly ass bimbo, why the fuck are people even liking this shit and don’t get me started with mr.autism right next to her.

  2. Dr Frankenstein

    It’s Alive!
    It’s Alive!
    I did it it’s alive!

    Igor: Master, I think you have installed too many lightning rods this time.

    No, my dear Igor:
    This hideous monster should not be seen by the world.
    These lightning rods are my guarantee that even if it does.
    It won’t stay alive long.

  3. All Natural

    British people really need to start reigning in these trashy hags that apparently litter their nation. Do y’all think they look good like that?! I’m genuinely perplexed by your nation’s love of plastic women. I just hope for y’alls sake the women I see on this site don’t represent your women as a whole.

  4. Hot Mess

    Woman! A 22 year old face doesn’t need that much done to it, unless you were born looking like the elephant man or had an accident that fucked your shit up. ffs.

  5. Dmo

    3 things.
    1, she is ugly as fuck!
    2, why the fuck is he wearing leggings?
    3, I’m from Texas, so “yall” is a real word, lol. With that being said, yall have me now saying bolt on tits time I see implants lol

    1. Shazbot

      I once thought, not really seriously, about getting a Happy Face tatooed on the head of my dick, because Mr. Happy would be happy when he saw what he was about to get. Then I got a skull on my shoulder instead.

  6. Brutus

    The crazy part is,she more then likely looks in the mirror and thinks she legit looks good. For someone that young to have literally had probably almost every single part of her body augmented,tells me she has mental health problems.

    Gotta go,orderly wants he phone back

  7. Ahahahaha! Bowl haircut?!

    Ahahahahaha, that dumb fuck actually has a fucking bowl cut. Did his mom cut his hair? If I saw this idiot I’d bust out laughing at him. She looks like a sex doll made a wish on a shooting star to come to life.


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