Not sure… I’m reliably bad at spotting good fakes, but the pink band around her waist/thigh looks a little sketchy. If you look closely the extra pink skin doesn’t really track with where tan lines should be….Seems to go down her thigh. Then there’s a stark line between the pink skin on her thigh and the tan skin on her thigh.
lwik, that’s what I noticed too. Tattoo is wrong side regardless of mirror and placement doesn’t seem right when compared to her other pics. I’m calling fake.
Thank You.
thats a man !!!!!!!!!! jasus fuck wat an ugly woman
that’s not a man, she is the goalkeeper of US Women National Team of Soccer.
Perfect!!! More of these please!!!!!!!
So this is Harrison Ford’s sister?
I’ll let myself out. Thanks.
Roberto, please stop insulting your mom, ….
thats not my mom, its your dad
I think she is sexy! Great body!! More please
THAT is one sloppy joe pussy. With a little ketchup you have a double Big Mac.
Well she ain’t shy.
you got damn right roberto.
ugly puss worst tits ever.
Is this real?
Not sure… I’m reliably bad at spotting good fakes, but the pink band around her waist/thigh looks a little sketchy. If you look closely the extra pink skin doesn’t really track with where tan lines should be….Seems to go down her thigh. Then there’s a stark line between the pink skin on her thigh and the tan skin on her thigh.
So…. I don’t know, lol.
Thats cuz they’re not tanlines. Thats a bone and lighting
Anyone notice that the tattoo is on the wrong side? It is shot in the mirror but that text tattoo should be on the other side.
The tatoo is in the correct side. She have the tatoo in her left side. And she is holding the phone with her right hand. But of course it’s mirrored.
Its shot in the mirror. Its reversed.
lwik, that’s what I noticed too. Tattoo is wrong side regardless of mirror and placement doesn’t seem right when compared to her other pics. I’m calling fake.
Agreed, tatto should be on the left side, not the right
it is left side. mirror makes it backwards. try writing left and right on yourself and stand in a mirror. you’ll see
It’s a mirror photo
FINALLY the only thing I’ve been waiting for
cant download it, removed?
This is not Hope Solo!!!
The picture is fake!
Her tatto is on the left site!
This one is on the right!
It’s a mirror photo !!!! jejeje
I heard a rumour that her cooter can whistle the theme song from “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” in perfect tune.
God bless America!
please sit on my face
She must be so horny. Nice pussy !