Yeah I don’t think it’s her. Tattoo is on the wrong arm and it has thinner linework, doesn’t look like hers. You never see her face and the arm reaching back, clearly point the tattoo to the camera. My guess is someone made it to release as the sex tape
Hot video, but no Iggy. Where are her hand tattoos and why is there a tat of someone’s face on her back/left shoulder (3:08 in the video). Iggy’s tattoos are widely documented on the web.
this isnt iggy, the tatoo on the arm is the same but this woman has a tatoo on her back (top left) iggy doesnt.this woman obviously copied iggy’s arm tatoo.
The most obvious reason it’s fake is because the tattoo is reversed. The word “struggle” should be on the side of her wrist. The word “trust” should be closer to her elbow.
I was so happy when I started watching this…. Then I saw all the mistakes, this video is a fake and you sir are a fraud. Guess I’ll still have to depend on my dreams to see that sweet ass.
It’s a fake. The tattoo on her arm is a similar font but it doesn’t match. Nice try though.
It’s on the wrong arm also. Fake.
AND her fiance is black lol
Yeah I don’t think it’s her. Tattoo is on the wrong arm and it has thinner linework, doesn’t look like hers. You never see her face and the arm reaching back, clearly point the tattoo to the camera. My guess is someone made it to release as the sex tape
not iggy, stop posting fakes. tattoo is on the wrong arm and that ass is way too small!
Tattoo is on the wrong arm. Not her.
Not Her The Tattoo Is Different From Iggy’s Just Another Imposter
FAKE! Bullshit executable file no zip.
You, sir, are an asshole.
Hot video, but no Iggy. Where are her hand tattoos and why is there a tat of someone’s face on her back/left shoulder (3:08 in the video). Iggy’s tattoos are widely documented on the web.
fake. tattoo is wrong way round!!
Wrong tattoo, no face. Nobody is idiot here please..
this isnt iggy, the tatoo on the arm is the same but this woman has a tatoo on her back (top left) iggy doesnt.this woman obviously copied iggy’s arm tatoo.
She has already admitted that she’s actually a men but the doctors have made her like this
tattoo is not Iggy’s – fake video
someone know a page were they post more amateur ( not only stars ) videos like this?
nice ass, nice video, totally fake. that ass is very fuckable though. keep trying
This site turned into a popup window and fake joke. Goodbye sick of your fakes won’t click on the site again.
Its fake because the guy is WHITE.
the tatto’s is at her right hand’s, not at her left hand’s, it’s fake
The most obvious reason it’s fake is because the tattoo is reversed. The word “struggle” should be on the side of her wrist. The word “trust” should be closer to her elbow.
I was so happy when I started watching this…. Then I saw all the mistakes, this video is a fake and you sir are a fraud. Guess I’ll still have to depend on my dreams to see that sweet ass.
I was there – this is R E A L