Nude screenshots, gif, and video of Ione Skye (as Rachel Noyce) from The Rachel Papers (1989). Ione Skye is an American actress (Camping). Born: September 4, 1970. She is the daughter of singer Donovan Philips Leitch.

The main character (19-year-old guy) learned to seduce girls quickly. At the same time, each made his own dossier to develop a strategy and quick tactics to “catch” the beauty. Mechanically replenishing the database of his victories, he accidentally fell in love.
Movie people…don’t insult our intelligence. If you don’t want to show pussy, fine. Just don’t show it. Don’t come up with idiotic ways to cover it…like the floating soap tray just happens to be floating fright over it crap. This is almost as bad as women who get up to go to the bathroom after fucking a guy, and bringing the sheets with them to cover up. Yeah….NOW she is shy.