Ireland Baldwin Nip Slip (2 Photos)

Ireland Baldwin shows off incredibly long legs in denim shirt and shorts in Los Angeles, 08/13/2016. And small nipple slip as bonus! Ireland Baldwin is an American fashion model. Age: 20 (October 23, 1995). Height: 188 cm.


Ireland Baldwin Nip Slip 2

Ireland Baldwin Nip Slip 1

6 thoughts on “Ireland Baldwin Nip Slip (2 Photos)

  1. CK

    That’s not quite a nip slip. If that nip had popped out of her top, THEN we would have a full on nip slip. Still, she has a nice pair of titties . . . just like her mother, Kim Basinger.

  2. AJ

    My good friend the site owner. Can you PLEASE give me a job to manage this site? You obviously need someone who understands the English language and the erotic pornographic vocabulary. This is at most see through, NOT a nip slip.

    So sad to see such a site with great potential going to waste. Hey, but what the hell you care as site owner right. You make your money by forcing every one of us dumb-ass visitors to click at least three times on advertisement porno garbage that I, just as most us us, then click away or close as soon as possible without ever actually opening it. So I guess the clickable garbage ultimately doesn’t have its effect anyway, other than causing a brief moment of annoyance and you making your bucks with a big laugh at the end.

  3. dipstick

    Not really a nip slip but it is a pretty damn slutty outfit to be wearing just walking around the town. Even in LA.


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