Jennifer Lopez Sexy (13 Pics + Gifs & Video)

Jennifer Lopez, 48, presented her new song El Anillo on Thursday at the Billboard Latin Music Awards in Las Vegas, and then singer published a new music video. Lopez plays the role of the Queen, who sings about love.

Watch the video, gifs and check out new BTS pics from her Instagram.




25 thoughts on “Jennifer Lopez Sexy (13 Pics + Gifs & Video)

    1. Wewea

      And would love if before type something to be polite to a woman which is mother and also if you don’t know how to show appreciation to a personality then better don’t type a comment. Dare you good days.

      1. pboi

        Boy your some kind of faggot.
        Your on a jerk website you fucking moron.
        You want him to be polite and say thank you miss before he jerks off to her pictures and do you want him to go to church afterwards also.

        1. Wewea

          And you kind of ignorant child for your culture I never ever jerk off as you said I just browse this as I’ve I was looking for a sport swimsuit calendar and that’s the whole thing you minors need to understand what respect is and that you can’t be such morons because if you even now haven’t realized the most essential and important thing you need to have some respect when you address to a musician UNDERSTAND THIS? you’re not on a other topics so if you don’t have something good and polite to type than just leave this website, and as long as you type on a Calendar photo session also you need to save a piece of respect believe it or not that’s the right way while you and other trolls waste the time with stupid comments around you might let your conscience understand this and it’s not about to church to be a man you teenagers gonna understand this definitely. Dare you good days.

        2. s. smith

          I agree to that man which showed me something that I haven’t think before to leave a reply and you stupid to say somebody jerk when honestly I just wanted to see this topic as others … You might learn to stop throw like you know what others people do when the truth is you don’t nothing about others…

        3. Winston

          Dear ” pboi ” you didn’t learned that just because a person browse for example such a website it doesn’t mean they there for your stupid fappy things you said. And for your culture for such things there exist porn girls that’s their jobs and porn webs… SO, AS A SUMMARY don’t confuse things a musician mega star person you need to only respect, admire and appreciate that’s the truth ladies and gentleman! Less or more you gonna understand this guys, Dare you serenity and good days.

  1. better than you

    what the fuck is this shit

    we come here for no name internet jerkoffs and “models” that fuck on film for money oh I mean porn stars we can see literally anywhere else

    1. Wiseman

      Wonder if you realized that what you wrote has no relevance, how could you say ” models that fuck on film for money ” when absolutely it has nothing to do with a musician act though seems you don’t know anything about good music and otherwise you only troll around anyway… peace and dare you good days.

      1. better than you

        hahahah you fucking handjob yeah let’s have a music discussion on a piece of shit 9th rate instagram repost site

        dare you good days dickhead

        1. Wiseman

          And you just found yourself through your own words cause those as you little child which called others ” handjob ” it’s just a adjective for yours… think about a girlfriend and a job instead of your worthless try to contradict me and for your lack of culture the discussion was about music cause if you were a grown man than you should have known that that’s what we love first at a mega star also musician and everything I said was by pure knowledge about music… otherwise you have proven you don’t know anything about music. And for your ignorance I’m almost 50 years old child so you should keep a piece of respect, little Richard you proved … Wake up and keep a piece of respect before ever think to type it’s not about what website it is, little boy, Good days.

          1. better than you


            you’re bragging about being 50 and commenting on this piece of shit website saying jennifer lopez is awesome hahahahhahahhahaha

            less time on porn sites, more time reading english textbooks if you insist on using it cumstain

    1. aya

      And such childish jokes doesn’t make any sense especially when it comes to a mother and women, okay.

  2. peter dobson

    I think, she is a very beautiful woman. Not the most beautiful woman, that of course is my wife, but i like her. She comes from a rough neighborhoud in New York and she has done well for herself. And still a smoking hot body.

  3. Wiseman

    better than you
    ” less time on porn sites, more time reading english textbooks if you insist on using it cumstain ”
    Have you realized how stupid you’ve sounded? Truly believe even a homeless man is more educated than you child. Now here on web I can say what I want to say talking the way I feel more comfortable because I’m not at the office writing work papers. Now everybody knows what I said was a true statement while you still looking to contradict me with nothing but childish arguments having on based nothing than your poor frustration kid showing clearly you’re just a life inexperienced child though I’m not gonna criticize you for this but what you don’t know is that I read more books than you ever did a good thing to make your daddy or mom proud of yours. And if you don’t know anything about a personality or about music keep your opinions to you before ever write another worthless comment okay believe it or life’s gonna make you understand this somehow someday.


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