Jenny McCarthy Nude & Sexy (154 Photos + Videos)

Here’s a new nude/sexy photo/video collection of Jenny McCarthy. Jennifer Ann “Jenny” McCarthy-Wahlberg is an American actress, model, author of several books, and The Fappening star. She began her career in 1993 as a model of Playboy magazine and continued as a TV presenter and actress. Born: November 1, 1972.

McCarthy was born in the United States, Illinois, in West Elsden, near Chicago. Jenny is the second of four daughters, her sisters Lynette, Joanne, and Amy. Her cousin Melissa McCarthy is known as a comedienne. Jenny was a cheerleader.

After graduating from high school, Jenny entered at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. She needed money to pay tuition, and she decided to send her photos to Playboy magazine. So she became a model.



25 thoughts on “Jenny McCarthy Nude & Sexy (154 Photos + Videos)

  1. LenTheWelsh

    I’ll never understand why the bush went out of fashion… ‘I’ll take mine looking like a 10 year old prepubescent fanny please’ said no one ever.

    1. joe

      I used to think it was sexy when girls were shaved but that was when I was young. Now every girl in porn is fucking shaved, they probably start that shit in middle school now. I like a nicely trimmed bush now.

    2. Jebus

      Personally, I like shaved because hair catches the smell of urine and sweat. In my experience (not saying it applies to everyone), I just had a better time going down on ladies that shaved it off the cunt. I didn’t mind a patch above the lips, but I wanted clean lips to control the smell and keep hairs out of my mouth.

      1. PuppyMonkeyBaby

        Jebus Christ, you ain’t never lying. I personally enjoy a nice clean shaven pussy myself. But I once had a latina hooker tell me that was the reason why she shaved hers like that.

  2. joe

    Growing up I had her poster on my wall. I thought she was the sexist creature alive. I knew she had been in playboy but I could never get my hands on any of her naked pictures or videos. Life was rough back in the days before the internet was common.

  3. Jeremy Fucking Clarkson

    I’ve seen her getting fucked – it was dull.

    My wife is much more exciting (I’ve seen her getting fucked too).

    Nice bush though, although I can’t make out individual hairs in the photos, so you lose a point for that.

      1. Mrs Jeremy Fucking Clarkson

        I’m Jeremy’s wife, and I can confirm categorically that he has seen me get fucked, Mr Sausage Junior.

        So there!

  4. RegalSmeagle

    I love this girl. always have. She might be crazy. but she is crazy hot. 😀 and funny (sometimes). miss the Jenny mccarthy show. 😀

  5. JrSalami

    Great TITS (large beautiful areolas)…..nice face….an seems like a FUN GIRL(who can get annoying after a while) but by then I had fuked her already multiple times…so who cares.

  6. Name

    Why are you posting this worn out whore? Then again, for some reason you’ve been posting porn whores, so it’s just status quo I guess

    1. Name *

      don’t use my username on thefappening to slander the goddess that is Jenny McCarthy! Even on her worst day Jenny outshines your worthless lineage put together.

      1. Name

        What do you mean you fucking fraud? I’ve been Name for more than 2 years. This worn out whore bitch is worthless, much like you and your mother. Be gone pissant!

  7. Jeff

    Washed up old hag. Been road some many times. Really jerkoffs find a cute 18 year old lube up. Old news. So many surgeries to keep tits going. Ugh. Wake up. Ugg bitch


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