Jo Beth Taylor Sexy & Topless (12 Photos)

Jo Beth Taylor sunbathing topless on the Sunshine Coast, 11/11/2005. Joanne Rebecca Guilfoyle is an Australian television presenter, actor and singer. Age: 46.

21 thoughts on “Jo Beth Taylor Sexy & Topless (12 Photos)

    1. Happy_Fappy

      Her body looks good for her age…yea that’s because this pic was taken over 10 years ago —>

      “Jo Beth Taylor sunbathing topless on the Sunshine Coast, 11/11/2005”

  1. Robbo

    46?! Fucking hell. Whatever they put in the water in Australia could they send some over to my lazy fat girlfriend

    1. Fake titties but nice.

      Fake, real tits wouldnt sit up like that while laying on her back. I think you can see faint incision scar on one of pics.

  2. Oldies

    She was born on 1971 so doing the math she was 34 when shots were taken. Tits don’t hold up that well after 40.


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