Kate Upton Sexy (1 Hot Photo)

Sexy photo of Kate Upton by Norman Jean Roy for  W Magazine (2013). Kate Upton is an American model and actress. Age 23 (June 10, 1992). Height 178 cm.


Kate Upton Sexy

14 thoughts on “Kate Upton Sexy (1 Hot Photo)

    1. tommygunny777

      True, her massive tits make me massively horny. Good thing she works out though, coz that fatty desperately needs it.

    1. SoKo

      Agreed, but her sex tape is much better.

      Very wet woman, very horny too.

      I could play with her body for hours.

  1. John Jameson

    Only time this girl’s been to a gym was for this photoshoot. When her metabolism slows she’s gonna blimmmmmp. Must fap while still hot.

    1. SoKo

      Yeah, she has.

      Not much to see, I downloaded them, when the fappening scandal was going on, she got hacked.

      I’ve manage to find two of the four videos, if you look on the internet, you will find them somewhere.

      Here you go:

      This one contains screen shots from the various videos and other sex exploits:

      The one that is missing, it the best one. She is getting fucked from behind, and you can hear the squelch of her very juicy pussy.

      Apparently she and her boyfriend are no strangers to the swinging world, and often have threesomes/foursomes.


    2. SoKo

      Yes she has.

      Looks like the admin team have stopped my comment, I had links to the sex-tapes.

      There are 4 of them. Go to pornhub and search for Kate Upton sex tapes.

      Very sexy, especially the one where she is being fucked from behind, very wet woman.

      Apparently, she and her boyfriend are swingers and into threesomes and foursomes.

      Go check it out.

      1. Turlough

        Yeah, it’s funny how you can’t actually see her face in any of these videos. I know she’s had nude pictures purloined from the cloud – but these sex tapes aren’t that convincing.

        1. SoKo

          Well to be honest, I wasn’t looking at Kate. I was staring at here boyfriend the whole time. I am a big time queer, that’s why I know about Grinder. I love the dick!

          1. SoKo

            Hey fuck-face, get your own fucking tag!

            And its pretty obvious to anyone but you, that isn’t me.

            But you have given me a good idea…

            You have just opened Pandora’s box asshole, time to kick your ass.

        1. SoKo

          The thought of you whacking it to some rando thinking its Kate Upton is hilarious.

          Kids these days…

          “The thought of you whacking it to some rando”

          I don’t think of you or anyone else whacking anything. Did you seriously imagine a guy masturbating? Maybe your on the wrong website. Try the ‘Grinder’ app!

          “Kids these days…”

          The video, real or not, is 30 seconds long. I can’t ‘whack,’ in that time. I need much, MUCH, longer than that. If you can achieve such a task, you are either suffering from a serious case of premature ejaculation, or a kid who has just hit puberty, and realized that his ‘pee-pee,’ has more than one use!


          The only one who is hilarious is you, for ‘outing’ yourself.


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