8 thoughts on “Kate Upton Sexy (14 Photos)

  1. aiwendil

    Thank you for Kate Upton and Hailey Clauson who can also be seen on the photos. It’s always a pleasure.

  2. Humpback Herman

    Its all over now, Verlander got her pregnant. Something tells me she doesnt have the kind of body that bounces back after giving birth.

  3. Bo Jangles

    I googled “why hasn’t Justin Verlander won a game in a month, single-handedly fucking my Fantasy baseball team”

    That strangely specific search brought me here. I have TWO issues
    1. I still don’t know why Verlander is screwing my team
    2. At least it’s not another Verlander dick pic.
    3. The day I cant appreciate a Kate Upton-like body is a day I don’t want to see
    4. I can’t count to or understand the word TWO

  4. Spankmaster

    Yes, Humpy Herman, I entirely agree; now that she is pregnant, her tits are now going to drop faster and further below her navel. She really needs to go nude now before it’s too late. Ah well, another set of fine milkers ruined by the joys of motherhood. And I still like traffic lights…


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