First, as a the queen queer of this site, I don’t really care about the face and ass. I do, however, like my sex partners blobby and blocky from the waist down. Bonus points if a tool belt is involved that forces a hint of hairy ass crack for my viewing pleasure. Btw, goddammit. where is the age and nationality?
March 2012 WTF?
She has such a gross figure take away her tits and you have a very average girl with a body that is th shape of a box
Sure, Jan.
Couldn’t agree more.
Take away your brain and you have an amoeba.
Wrong! Leave the brain inside and you have an amoeba.
Kate Upton = boobs only
agreed. she’s looks like one of those girls who was fat growing up and grew some big ass boobs. she has a weird torso and hips
Beautiful girl….face and tits WORLD CLASS….ass and hips need WORK…lots of it..she’s shapeless from the waist down.
The next Maitland.
Who cares that she’s a bit blobby below the waist. LOOK AT THAT FACE AND THOSE TITS YOU QUEERS!
First, as a the queen queer of this site, I don’t really care about the face and ass. I do, however, like my sex partners blobby and blocky from the waist down. Bonus points if a tool belt is involved that forces a hint of hairy ass crack for my viewing pleasure. Btw, goddammit. where is the age and nationality?
Doug I feel like you got a little too comfortable talking. Just stick with saying “where is the age and nationality”..
Nah, I feel accepted here for the deviant I am.
old but gold
No one cares.
Justin Verlander is the greatest. He gets to bang the hottest woman in the world every night.
Once you’ve seen her butthole it’s hard to go back to whatever this is.
I don’t recall Kate showing her butthole in any leaked photos. I will gladly stand corrected if you have proof otherwise.
This girl looks better with clothes on.