Here are new topless selfie photos of Katharine McPhee. Katharine McPhee is an American singer/songwriter & actress (Scorpion). Age: 33 years old.
Here are new topless selfie photos of Katharine McPhee. Katharine McPhee is an American singer/songwriter & actress (Scorpion). Age: 33 years old.
OH , please , don’t let it be just one blueball photo 🙂
I’m fairly sure I’ve seen that pic uncensored around the Chans but it was widely accepted as a fake. If I’m wrong, great.
I can’t wait to fap to her naked body! I hope that there are close ups of her pussy and ass. I love seeing celebrity shitholes. I’ve got a huge cum load building in my balls just waiting for Katherine.
Dude ha hahaha what da FUCK? Amazing
Oh yeah! These leaks did not disappoint. So good finally seeing Katherine nude. But I really hope these photos are of her sweet pussy. But I doesn’t matter. I shot a huge thick load of my baby batter looking at her huge tits and big nipples. I’m so happy that celebrities keep taking nude selfies and that hackers help us to see them. Playboy used to occasional get a celebrity to pose nude, but the photos were never explicit. Thanks to these hacks we get celebrity pussy and asshole. Its incredible that we get to look inside Katherine Mcphee’s cunt.
Seriously I shot a massive load myself to Ms McPhee, a long awaited and anticipated nude appearance for sure. I came so hard I think I even hit my chin!
eric the midget is cumming in heaven
My first thought, miss you Eric!
There’s no clubbed feet in heaven
For the mother of God it’s my birthday and she is my favorite. Please share all of her leaks. I only seen the thumb nail version.
whew please remove star and show us the pink. thank you.
Someone slap that bitch
WAOH!!!! Thats some one I wanna see most!!
Of course they’ll probably be bad and no nudity. Knowing our luck 🙁
Be cumming real hard. hopefully it won’t disappoint she makes my dick hard!
If you actually look at previous pictures of Katharine this is obviously a fake/photoshop job, she has several very visible moles along her collarbone etc that are “missing”.
If you look at her picture with the star the hair is covering it up where her mole would be. But the collar bones are very different. I loaded it on my edit software and there are no cross line to make it a fake. I hope these leaks are real.
MORE MORE MORE, please let there be MORE!
I love the butt shot!
The leaks are real and are being released on Reddit tomorrow.
link for subreddit please
Hot girl me likey
show us ur ass hunny or we send artillery barrage to ur coordinate
The suspense is killing me! I’ve got so much cum inside my halls just ready to explode. Please us some of her tits and pussy already!!
The girl does have one sweet looking ass
Nice ass!! But they should show her boobs too,hopefully more nude pucs of her will come soon! 🙂
I just saw her new ones she has fake tits and a pussy like black forest ham so do not get your hopes up that would be no Phun…
Yeah because you wouldn’t fuck her if she offered?
Sigh. In a long list of Z listers, finally one that comes up that you actually want to see naked and she isn’t actually naked. What a cock teasing lil slut.
Having doubts about these latest….
Ewww that’s gross, put it away :s
Da fuck is up with her snatch? Those lips look weird.
Looks like she’s had a meat curtain reduction. Even for Arby’s, there’s such a thing as too much meat.
We’ve got the meats.
Looks like she had a labiaplasty to fix some flappy wings. Gross.
i think you’re right man it’s disgusting
It looks like she had labia reduction surgery. This are just the scars from the stitches. They’ll probably heal eventually.
It looks like they have teeth
Pretty sure that is Hpv(genital warts.)
Doesn’t look like McPhee. Probably fake.
More more more more more more
Did Katharine McPhee have labiaplasty? Those lips look scabby.
Those beef curtains are nasty lol!
The things I would do to eat out that pussy
WTF is going on with her inner lipos? Looks like she had ’em trimmed! Any male Doc who would mutilate a woman like that needs to have his dick and balls removed – WITHOUT BENEFIT OF ANESTHESIA -, the removed organs deep fried and fed to him. Any female doc who would do that to another woman needs to have her clit, labes and vag removed and everything sewed up so she is a smoothy. She ought to have the removed pieces deep fried and fed to her.
Mutilating a vulva like that is just WRONG! Just WRONG!!!
Likewise for anyone who performs circumcisions on male infants. Even so, McPhee’s labiaplasty had certainly consensual; she’d probably paid a lot to have it done.
There are legit health benefits to male circumcision — reduced risk of prostate and penile cancers, reduced risk of HIV, other STDs, and other infections. And better hygiene.
Did Katharine McPhee have labiaplasty?
Worst vagina I’ve ever seen, I feel a vomit comet coming.
Better than a full eclipse of the heart.
Still hot as fuck, I would fuck the shit out of her for hours.
No you wouldn’t, fat ass.
Her pussy looks like some mangled chewed up roast beef
her meat curtains are dirty as fuck…just look at her underwear nasty!
I guess her mother never told her to always wear clean underwear.
most leaks i think it would have been better not to see the pussy. all celeb pussies are ugly.
here that can be stiches, but still dark around and ugly.
oh lord, why did i left my first girl? she hat the most beautiful pink pussy in the world, perfect shape no big labia, just perfect and sweet
Could someone for the love of God photoshop those p*ssy lips to a less repulsive shade of beige!
She’s fine for her age, but that can’t be her pussy. That’s definitely a black pussy.
Why does she have a purple nigger pussy
why the fuck are her lips black like that wtf ew
She has the second worst pussy only Hope Solo is worse and she has ugly fake tits.. she is GROSS LOL!!!
Her pussy looks like an ear of indian corn.
You win!
This must be from her Arby’s commercial.
Those are NOT her pussy lips, not sure who added those, but that is some disgusting shit.
Her vagina has cavities.
her vagina still has stiches from the redux
i’ll pull em out with my teeth and let the puss flow
natural lube
Her tits look like they have a good fake boob job. Look at the edge of the areolas.
Fake titties and not-yet-healed labiaplasty scars, this girl’s all class. /sarcasm
Her boobs are real. Go watch Tira Banks playing with them.
Looks like she’s has labia-plasty to me,what a mess,stupid bitch
They are indeed real. Or the person put the effort to do one hell of a Photoshop as she has the same phone and case and looks like her. Her with her case about a year ago.
Those prissy pics arnt her! Not unless she suddenly became half black. She is WHITE not Mulatto!
If I saw a vagina like that in person I would probably throw up all over it.
First time I’ve ever been completely grossed out by nudes. And I’ve liked this chick for a long time.
These chicks gotta embrace the curtains.
Thank you to whoever leaked these photos. Your doing God’s work.
Yuck…. looks like a philly cheese steak that’s been sitting out on the counter all day
My thoughts exactly.
She is wearing a ring in the pussy photos that she is not in any of the others, maybe not her
A google reverse image search reveals nothing right now. Anyone care to try
That honestly does not look at all like her. She doesn’t seem to have fake tits, and those photos are of someone who has had a boob job.
This was probably the funniest trap-leak I’ve ever seen. I mean why would you have even taken that picture?
What up with the spots on her pussy lips?? Does she have STD or something?
That’s her pussy i am a hand and feet expert and those are the same hands.
She did vagina surgery? Disgusting
oh yes yes yes !! sweet mother i hit the motherload .. love this innocent women . frankly if anyone leaked any of my pics i d be sad cause nobody wants to see my little dick
Trying to figure out what’s going on with her pussy lips…are those dark spots scabs from masturbating too much? Is her pussy that wet or just yeasty? I see a gyno visit in her near future.
puss pics def not real, that’s asian pussy for sure. Still gonna fap
Those are very dirty panties. My boner went from a 100 to zero real quick. Looking at these i’d have to apologize to Hope Solo. What an ugly pussy, omg are those teeth? Why do celebs have ugly pussy? Is it because they fuck too much?
Those are labiaplasty stiches. look closer. also, i dont understand why women dont like the meat curtains. Its like they are trying to make their pussy look like a little girls (an innie).
Where is the beef?
her pussy kinda dark for a McPhee
thats more like latino or indian pussy.
All of y’all are gay pussy is pussy I fuck her
And yet another virgin shows the world that they never get laid. “Oh my god! Pussy MUST go for it because I never get any and never will.”
desde que la vi en smachs solo esper este momento y que desilucion, unas ttas mal peradas y caraj que vajina tan pero tan horrible
She is on her period and that is dried menstral blood on her labia and underwear
Katharine McPhee? That pussy looks more like Nanny McPhee.
LOL all the lying pre-pubescent faggots on this site acting like they’d turn her down. Bitch, she would skurt on yalls ugly asses so hard.. the fuck outta here with that bullshit.
And yes, she JUST had the labia reduction surgery. Those black dots are her stitches. In a few weeks when it heals up, she’ll look normal again.
As all of you I was definitely and deeply saddened by the pussy pics of America’s Sweetheart Katherine McPhee. Not only has it shattered my world but I know many of you were shocked as well. I would rather see daily pictures of Miley Cyrus peeing with tampon strings hanging between her flappy puss puss if I can just unsee Kathrine McPhee’s pussy. I’d gladly wallpaper my wall with pictures of Misty May-Treanor wiping her bullethole if I can just unsee these pictures of Katherine’s pussy. How awkward do you think it will be when she returns to the set of Scorpion and her co-stars and camera crew have all seen those photos I’m sure the studio will have hired a full-time gynecologist to nurse Katherine’s labia back to health and air out the humid panties. Such a shame, I give these pictures zero tissues out of 5.
Seriously though, it looks like a grenade went off in a deli
You’re a fucking faggot. I fucked your momma last night, you buttfucker.
BAHAHAHAHA! My mom’s been dead for 10 years so if you fucked her it means you stuck your dick into an urn of ashes. What a loser, you can’t even get a hit the first comment out. When you comment to me, bring your A game, none of this “I fucked your mom” crap, that is so over used and shows you lack originality. The sad part is there is still 2 websites right now that you can get the pictures but I ain’t telling unless you come at me with a better insult than ‘you fucked my mom’. And buttfucker….really? You couldn’t add flavor to it like spicy buttfucker or paint a picture like herpes ridden buttfucker, you had to finish with just a simple buttfucker. Seriously if you aren’t going to be original at LEAST be entertaining.
Candy asses took the pics down.
Why are there no pictures? =O
Has anyone a link?
Fake as shit is my guess!
Who gives a fuck about a site that dosnt deliver?
Absolutely. It’s dried menstral blood. And any of you fapping bitches in these comments (including myself) would fuck the shit out of her. Stop pretending like you wouldn’t with your “nasty Arby’s Big Montana roast beef curtains” blah blah blah comments. You fucking know you’d fuck that. Cause if you could actually GET pussy in real life, you wouldn’t be gawking at these leaks and spending time debating if it’s real. And you dolts that think it’s surgery or an STD, you’ve obviously never fucked a girl on the rag. But really, if you don’t like it, go back to sticking your dick in your mamma’s mashed potatoes and shut the fuck up.
Someone mail katherine mcpee nude here please sharing is caring [email protected]
Why bother going into raptures over these leaked nudes when we now get to see fuck all of them? Either repost them or delete these fake news images from here altogether. I am dedicated in fapping myself blind…