19 thoughts on “Katie Price Topless (40 Photos)

  1. Robbo

    Having a financial crisis and just split up with your third husband and your kids have been taken off you by social services and placed in the hands of your ex, so go on a staged holiday with your faggot friend and let the paps know even though no one gives a shot about you

  2. That chick

    She was hot like what 20 years ago? Now she has implants and looks like shit. Fuck her and I don’t mean that literally. lol

  3. Inflatable Katie

    No need for an inflatable tube when she is around. Probably why they put it back on the beach.

  4. KatePrice

    Wow I’d fuckin destroy that shit for dayzzzz. Cum all over those big ol fake titties. I love how she’s the only one topless lol

  5. gareth

    dear katie price you can’t fucking sing you deluded cow and you are haggard compared to the new young models. 🙂

  6. Jonno

    Jeez, I hope there were no young children on the beach. Poor little sods will have nightmares for months.

    As it happens, I’ll probably wake up screaming tonight.


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